Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Phone number
+31 (0)113 57 7450
Research Leader
  • Global and regional sea-level change
  • Climate change
  • Detection & Attribution of the underlying causes of sea-level change
  • Contributions to sea-level change from land ice, ocean, atmosphere, solid Earth
  • Coastal impacts of sea-level change


Aimee Slangen in EenVandaag. Foto: EenVandaag

Dr. Aimée Slangen

Research Leader

‘A realistic picture of the sea level change along the coast’

At the NIOZ Sea Level Research Centre, climatologist Aimée Slangen computes how global sea-level changes translate into effects along the coast. ‘I’m probably one of the few NIOZ researchers who never has to make fieldwork trips, because climate science is something that is mainly done behind a computer screen. For example, we receive measurements of sea levels from satellites down to an accuracy of 1 mm. Then it is a question of calculating computer scenarios. However, we cannot simply translate the scenarios for the Atlantic Ocean into those for the North Sea or the Wadden Sea, because there are many regional effects. We are now trying to calculate these with an accuracy of seven by seven kilometres.’

Sand and concrete

‘In the regional sea-level scenarios for the Wadden Sea, we need to deal with factors such as soil subsidence, sand transport, wind and waves. The scenarios for the Zeeland and South Holland Delta are different, because more coastlines are protected by concrete structures, amongst other things. Due to all these different effects, we also need to try and combine many different models into a single scenario. In doing this, we now produce calculations beyond the year 2100, because large structures like dykes and delta works are not merely built for a period of twenty years.’

Living in a bathtub

‘I am one of the five Dutch representatives for part one of the three-part IPCC assessment report which was published in August 2021. This first part investigates the physical aspects of climate change. For example, we can see that the sea level rises due to the melting of glaciers and expansion of increasingly warm water, and that the contribution of the melting ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica continues to increase. An awful lot of water is enclosed in those ice sheets. For a rich country like the Netherlands, sea-level rise can still be accommodated for a while. But at a certain moment, we will be faced with an almost philosophical question: do we want to live in the Netherlands that is a figurative bathtub – surrounded by dykes that need to be built increasingly higher? With my research, I hope to contribute to a realistic picture of what we can expect in the coming years in our delta on the North Sea.’

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I am interested in understanding and projecting (regional) sea-level changes, and on translating these to the coastal/delta/estuarine environment. I like to take a broad approach and study both global and regional sea-level changes, by including all relevant contributions. My focus is on understanding the recent past (20th century) change and projecting future changes for the 21st century and beyond.

I joined the NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research in January 2017 in the Department of Estuarine & Delta Systems (EDS), where I am responsible for sea-level change research, both in the open ocean and towards the coast. In 2023, I was awarded a Vidi grant to research 20th century regional sea-level change. I was a Lead Author of the IPCC AR6 report for Working Group 1: The Physical Science Basis (2021) and a Core Writing Team member of the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report (2023). Before coming to NIOZ, I obtained my PhD at IMAU (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) and did postdocs at CSIRO Ocean and Atmosphere (Hobart, Australia) and IMAU.



    Former group members:

    • Dr. Carolina Camargo (Jan 2019 - Feb 2023) - PhD project funded by NWO gebruikersondersteuning Ruimteonderzoek - thesis here
    • Dr. Tim Hermans (Jan 2018 - July 2022) - PhD project funded by Tenure Track startup - thesis here
    • Brendan Oerlemans (May - Aug 2023) - MSc internship
    • Eike Schutt (April-June 2021) - MSc research
    • Yochi Andrawina (Jan-July 2021) - MSc research
    • Annette van den Engel (Nov 2019 - Sept 2020) - MSc research
    • Maryse Charpentier (April-Aug 2018) - MSc research

    I've contributed to several outreach videos, such as the NOS Watersnoodjournaal (episodes 1/3/5), Andere Tijden "Het Water Komt. Weer"; NOS stories rewind and a video from the Deltaprogramme (see videos below). For the release of the IPCC Synthesis report I recorded interviews for the NOS 8-uur journaal and NPO Radio 1.

    For more information about our research group, and links to publications, go to

    Linked news

    Tuesday 26 November 2019
    Interdisciplinary research predicts migration caused by sea level rise
    Governmental policy will be necessary to start up emigration from coastal areas that are endangered by sea level rise. The question which policy is most effective can be tested in a model that takes into account sea level rise, migration and…
    Wednesday 13 June 2018
    Koraalriffen houden tempo verwachte zeespiegelstijging niet bij
    Veel koraalriffen, met name in de Caribische Zee en de Indische Oceaan, zullen niet snel genoeg groeien om de verwachte zeespiegelstijging bij te houden, waardoor veel tropische kusten en laaggelegen eilanden komen bloot te staan aan meer erosie en…
    Tuesday 05 December 2017
    Totale range zeespiegelstijging groter dan gedacht
    De totale range van zeespiegelstijging blijkt groter dan gedacht. Binnen 80 jaar kan een regionale stijging van 1,8 meter niet worden uitgesloten, door afname van de massa van de Antarctische ijskap. Dit concluderen onderzoekers van onder andere…
    Monday 10 July 2017
    Zeespiegelstijging stelt Nederlandse kust vaker op de proef bij storm
    De Nederlandse kust zal op jaarbasis steeds vaker te maken krijgen met extreem hoog water vanwege klimaatverandering. Dat blijkt uit een nieuwe risicoanalyse waaraan het Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ) heeft bijgedragen.…

    Linked blogs

    Sunday 08 August 2021
    NIOZ podcast Van Delta tot Diepzee aflevering 14 De zeespiegel als thermometer van klimaatverandering
    Het IPCC-rapport 2021 is uit, het VN-klimaatrapport dat ruwweg om de zeven jaar verschijnt. Het rapport geeft een overzicht van de meest recente inzichten en bevindingen van klimaatonderzoek van experts dat over de hele wereld wordt gedaan.…

    NIOZ publications

    Linked projects

    PROTECT; WP7 Regional sea-level change & implications
    Aimée Slangen
    European Community || European Research Council
    Project duration
    1 Sep 2020 - 30 Sep 2024
    UUNIOZ_Cascading effects of sea-level rise on intertidal ecosystems
    Allert Bijleveld
    Utrecht University
    Project duration
    1 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2025
    UUNIOZ_Cascading effects of sea-level rise on intertidal ecosystems
    Allert Bijleveld
    Utrecht University
    Project duration
    1 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2025
    PROTECT; WP7 Regional sea-level change & implications
    Aimée Slangen
    European Community || European Research Council
    Project duration
    1 Sep 2020 - 30 Sep 2024
    Regional sea-level budget
    Aimée Slangen
    Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
    Project duration
    1 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2022