Wednesday 05 February 2025
1.4 million euros for Dutch research into impact of deep-sea mining
The Dutch contributing partners of the international MiningImpact3 consortium have been awarded 1.4 million euros, to study the long-term ecological impacts of deep-sea mining, as well as the legal and technological aspects of it. The Dutch…
Tuesday 04 February 2025
A fascinating coastal dweller: the cut trough shell
A small mollusc inhabits our coastal waters: the cut trough shell. This animal thrives best in shallow seas with fine sand and mild weather conditions. Not only natural factors play a role in population dynamics: trawlfishing, targeting shrimps and…
Tuesday 28 January 2025
Underwater robot offers helping hands in ocean depths
NIOZ has acquired a Remotely Operated Vehicle for the National Research Fleet: an underwater robot that can conduct measurements and perform useful tasks on the sea floor. This underwater robot, equipped with cameras and gripping arms, offers some…
Tuesday 28 January 2025
NWO Open Technology Programme funds research on landscape restoration with biodegradable structures
Developing biodegradable structures that can restore important coastal ecosystems and peatlands. That is the goal of research project BIOPRIME, by NIOZ researchers Tjisse van der Heide and Tjeerd Bouma and Ralph Temmink of Utrecht University. It is…
Thursday 23 January 2025
Coastal Waters: an underestimated source of methane
Shallow coastal waters are hotspots for methane emissions, releasing significant amounts of this potent greenhouse gas into the atmosphere and contributing to global warming. This new research highlights how tides, seasons, and ocean currents…
Thursday 16 January 2025
Nitrogen processes and the ‘breathless seas
As more and more nutrients from land and air enter the world’s oceans, the dead zones without oxygen in the water will increase in size and intensity. Zoë van Kemenade has focused her PhD research project on combining fossil molecules and chemical…
Wednesday 15 January 2025
When scientists meet chefs: talking about sustainable fish in restaurants
Ask a chef how old the fish is that he serves, and chances are the answer will be something like ‘2 days’: that’s when the fish was caught. More often than not, both the chef and dinner guest don’t know that that piece of sole or turbot can easily be…
Thursday 09 January 2025
Understanding the ocean’s role in climate regulation
The ocean is an important factor in mitigating climate change: it absorbs 25-30% of all the CO₂ which is brought in the atmosphere by humans. Louise Delaigue has focused her PhD research project on how this works, and how the increase of CO₂ changes…
Monday 06 January 2025
IVN/NIOZ lezingen 2025
Van januari tot en met april vinden er 5 IVN/NIOZ lezingen plaats met als thema: Van Zon tot Zeehond. Wie eet wat op het wad? De energie van de zon zorgt voor groei en bloei van algen, de schelp- en andere dieren eten de algen, die worden weer…
Thursday 19 December 2024
Strategic Funding Boosts Marine Robotics at NIOZ
The NIOZ has been awarded €2,891,000 from the NWO-I Strategic Innovation Fund 2025. This funding is a significant step forward in the project "Transitions in Oceanographic Research: A New Ship and Autonomous Vessel Development", which aims to…