Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
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Senior Research Leader
  • Development and application of new organic proxies

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schouten

Senior Research Leader

Organic proxy research

I analyse chemical compounds that can inform about the climate in earlier times, so-called “proxies”: compounds that indirectly tell us something about past temperature or chemical composition of the atmosphere or the oceans. I try to develop new proxies and their shortcomings, to better constrain their application in reconstructing past climate.

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Linked news

Thursday 23 May 2019
Sugar molecule contributes to reconstruction of prehistoric fire
Little is currently known about how early humans first used fire. That will now change thanks to a new proxy, a measurable substance that can be used to demonstrate forest fires in a distant past. The proxy is the organic substance levoglucosan, a…
Monday 20 May 2019
Langeketendiolen kunnen goede proxy’s zijn voor zeewateroppervlakte-temperatuur en opwelling
Het promotieonderzoek van Marijke de Bar toont aan dat langeketendiolen goede proxy’s zijn voor zeewateroppervlakte-temperatuur en opwelling. Echter, er zijn verschillende factoren die de toepassing van deze proxy’s beperken. Zo blijkt de proxy voor…
Friday 10 May 2019
Reconstructies paleoklimaat nu nog nauwkeuriger
Het proefschrift van Julie Lattaud maakt het mogelijk een nieuwe, nauwkeurigere methode te ontwikkelen om het klimaat van het verre verleden te bepalen. Zij promoveert 10 mei 2019 bij de Universiteit van Utrecht
Wednesday 28 November 2018
Fossiele algen onthullen 500 miljoen jaar klimaatverandering
Om betere voorspellingen te doen over het klimaat in de toekomst, kijken geologen terug in het verre verleden naar de samenhang tussen veranderende CO2-concentraties en het klimaat. Wetenschappers van het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor…
Monday 28 May 2018
Biokunstenaars winnen Bio Art & Design Award 2018 met NIOZ onderzoek
De biokunstenaars Amanda Baum en Rose Leahy (duo) zijn op vrijdag 25 mei uitgeroepen tot de winnaars van de Bio Art & Design Award 2018 (BAD Award). In samenwerking met NIOZ onderzoekers Stefan Schouten, Gabriella Weiss, Laura Schreuder en Julie…
Tuesday 18 July 2017
Algae living on mudflats are the solar panels that fuel the Wadden Sea food web
What fuels the Wadden Sea food web? One of the largest ecological research projects in the Netherlands, the recently finalized ‘Waddensleutels’ program, revealed that the most important energy source for the majority of animals higher up the food…
Monday 27 June 2016
Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Use Carbon Dioxide for their Cells
As the commonly found ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) grow much faster in the laboratory if certain organic acids are added to the seawater, it was always assumed in scientific literature that these acids were the source of carbon that these…
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Linked blogs

Tuesday 07 April 2020
New dusty paper out: Saharan dust versus Amazon River water
In their new paper that appeared today in the open-access version of Limnology & Oceanography, entitled “Multiple drivers of production and particle export in the western tropical North Atlantic”, Laura Korte and colleagues present a comprehensive…
Monday 12 March 2018
Fire biomarker in Saharan dust traced across the Atlantic Ocean
In their new paper that was published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta today, Laura Schreuder and colleagues apply a new proxy for burnt vegetation; the anhydrosugar levoglucosan, and demonstrate how this sugar can be found in present-day Saharan…
Sunday 26 November 2017
Biomarkers in Saharan dust
A new paper by Laura Schreuder and colleagues presents new data on terrestrial higher-plant biomarkers found in aerosols and marine sediments sampled along the DUSTTRAFFIC transatlantic array of sediment traps as well as in seafloor sediments.

NIOZ publications

  • 2024
    Hättig, K.; Schouten, S.; Louwye, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2024). Stable Middle Miocene seawater isotopes in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 39(10): e2024PA004852.
    Varma, D.; Villanueva, L.; Bale, N.; Offre, P.; Reichart, G.-J.; Schouten, S. (2024). Controls on the composition of hydroxylated isoprenoidal glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (isoGDGTs) in cultivated ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota. Biogeosciences 21(21): 4875-4888.
    Cutmore, A.; Bale, N.; Lourens, L.; Schouten, S. (2024). A search for biomarker evidence of an intermittent deep-sea hypersaline anoxic basin in the eastern Mediterranean during the Early Pliocene. Org. Geochem. 196: 104827.
    Hättig, K.; Prokopiou, P.; Schouten, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2024). Large variability and 2H-depletion of Middle Miocene to Pleistocene alkenone hydrogen isotopes in the Equatorial Pacific reflect subsurface, low light haptophyte growth. Org. Geochem. 196: 104840.
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    Witkowski, C.R.; von der Heydt, A.S.; Valdes, P.J.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2024). Continuous sterane and phytane δ13C record reveals a substantial pCO2 decline since the mid-Miocene. Nature Comm. 15(1): 5192.
    Varma, D.; Hopmans, E.C.; van Kemenade, Z.R.; Kusch, S.; Berg, S.; Bale, N.J.; Sangiorgi, F.; Reichart, G.-J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Schouten, S. (2024). Evaluating isoprenoidal hydroxylated GDGT-based temperature proxies in surface sediments from the global ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 370: 113-127.
    Meyer, V.D.; Pätzold, J.; Mollenhauer, G.; Castañeda, I.S; Schouten, S.; Schefuß, E. (2024). Evolution of winter precipitation in the Nile river watershed since the last glacial. Clim. Past 20(3): 523-546.
    Varma, D.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Reichart, G.-J.; Schouten, S. (2024). Impact of water depth on the distributions and proxies of isoprenoidal hydroxylated GDGTs in the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Org. Geochem. 194: 104780.
  • 2023
    Neubauer, C.; Kantnerová, K.; Lamothe, A.; Savarino, J.; Hilkert, A.; Juchelka, D.; Hinrichs, K.-U.; Elvert, M.; Heuer, V.B.; Elsner, M.; Bakkour, R.; Julien, M.; Öztoprak, M.; Schouten, S.; Hattori, S.; Dittmar, T. (2023). Discovering nature’s fingerprints: isotope ratio analysis on bioanalytical mass spectrometers. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 34(4): 525-537.
    Hättig, K.; Varma, D.; Schouten, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2023). Glacial–interglacial seawater isotope change near the Chilean Margin as reflected by δ2H values of C37 alkenones. Clim. Past 19(10): 1919-1930.
    Varma, D.; Hättig, K.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Reichart, G.-J.; Schouten, S. (2023). Constraining water depth influence on organic paleotemperature proxies using sedimentary archives. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 38(6).
    Mitrovic, D.; Hopmans, E.C.; Bale, N.J.; Richter, N.; Amaral-Zettler, L.; Baxter, A.J.; Peterse, F; Miguel Raposeiro, P.; Gonçalves, V.; Cristina Costa, A.; Schouten, S. (2023). Isoprenoidal GDGTs and GDDs associated with anoxic lacustrine environments. Org. Geochem. 178: 104582.
    Sliwinska, K.K.; Coxall, H.K.; Hutchinson, D.K.; Liebrand, D.; Schouten, S.; de Boer, A.M. (2023). Sea surface temperature evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean across the Eocene–Oligocene transition. Clim. Past 19(1): 123-140.
    Beltran, L.C.; Cvirkaite-Krupovic, V.; Miller, J.; Wang, F.; Kreutzberger, M.A.B.; Patkowski, J.B.; Costa, T.R.D.; Schouten, S.; Levental, I.; Conticello, V.P.; Egelman, E.H.; Krupovica, M. (2023). Archaeal DNA-import apparatus is homologous to bacterial conjugation machinery. Nature Comm. 14: 666.
  • 2022
    van der Weijst, C.M.H.; van der Laan, K.J.; Peterse, F.; Reichart, G.-J.; Sangiorgi, F.; Schouten, S.; Veenstra, T.J.T.; Sluijs, A. (2022). A 15-million-year surface- and subsurface-integrated TEX86 temperature record from the eastern equatorial Atlantic. Clim. Past 18(8): 1947-1962.
    Wang, F.; Cvirkaite-Krupovic, V.; Vos, M.; Beltran, L.C.; Kreutzberger, M.A.B.; Winter, J.-M.; Su, Z.; Liu, J.; Schouten, S.; Krupovic, M.; Egelman, E.H. (2022). Spindle-shaped archaeal viruses evolved from rod-shaped ancestors to package a larger genome. Cell 185(8): 1297-1307.e11.
  • 2021
    Riekenberg, P.M.; Camalich, J.; Svensson, E.; IJsseldijk, L.L.; Brasseur, S.M.; Witbaard, R.; Leopold, M.F.; Rebolledo, E.B.; Middelburg, J.J.; Van der Meer, M.T.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2021). Reconstructing the diet, trophic level and migration pattern of mysticete whales based on baleen isotopic composition. Royal Society Open Science 8(12): 210949.
    Ding, S.; Bale, N.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Villanueva, L.; Arts, M.G.I.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S (2021). Lipidomics of environmental microbial communities. II: characterization using molecular networking and information theory. Front. Microbiol. 12: 659315.
    Morcillo-Montalbá, L.; Rodrigo-Gamiz, M.; Martinez-Ruiz, F.; Ortega-Huertas, M.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2021). Rapid climate changes in the Western most Mediterranean (Alboran Sea) over the last 35 kyr: New insights from four lipid paleothermometers (UK'37, TEXH86, RI‐OH', and LDI). Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36(12): e2020PA004171.
    Erdem, Z.; Lattaud, J.; van Erk, M.R.; Mezger, E.M.; Reichart, G.-J.; Lückge, A.; Sinninghe Damste, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2021). Applicability of the long chain diol index (LDI) as a sea surface temperature proxy in the Arabian Sea. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36(12): e2021PA004255.
    Baquero, D.P.; Gazi, A.D.; Sachse, M.; Liu, J.; Schmitt, C.; Moya-Nilges, M.; Schouten, S.; Prangishvili, D.; Krupovic, M. (2021). A filamentous archaeal virus is enveloped inside the cell and released through pyramidal portals. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118(32): e2105540118.
    Häggi, C.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schefuß, E.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Schreuder, L.T.; Bertassoli, D.J.; Chiessi, C.M.; Mulitza, S.; Sawakuchi, H.O.; Baker, P.A.; Schouten, S. (2021). Negligible quantities of particulate low‐temperature pyrogenic carbon reach the Atlantic Ocean via the Amazon River. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 35(9): e2021GB006990.
    Sangiorgi, F.; Quaijtaal, W.; Donders, T.H.; Schouten, S.; Louwye, S. (2021). Middle Miocene temperature and productivity evolution at a Northeast Atlantic shelf site (IODP U1318, Porcupine Basin): global and regional changes. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36(7): e2020PA004059.
    Bale, N.J.; Ding, S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Arts, M.G.I.; Villanueva, L.; Boschman, C.; Haas, A.F.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S (2021). Lipidomics of environmental microbial communities. I: visualization of component distributions using untargeted analysis of high-resolution mass spectrometry data. Front. Microbiol. 12.
    Holzheimer, M.; Sinninghe Damste, J.S.; Schouten, S.; Havenith, R.W.A.; Minnaard, A.J. (2021). Total synthesis of the alleged structure of crenarchaeol enables structure revision. Angew. Chem. 133(32): 17645-17654.
    Spencer-Jones, C.L.; McClymont, E.L.; Bale, N.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Müller, J.; Abrahamsen, E.Povl; Allen, C.; Bickert, T.; Hillenbrand, C.-D.; Mawbey, E.M.; Peck, V.; Svalova, A.; Smith, J.A. (2021). Archaeal intact polar lipids in polar waters: a comparison between the Amundsen and Scotia seas. Biogeosciences 18(11): 3485-3504.
    Blanchet, C.L.; Tjallingii, R.; Schleicher, A.M.; Schouten, S.; Frank, M.; Brauer, A. (2021). Deoxygenation dynamics on the western Nile deep-sea fan during sapropel S1 from seasonal to millennial timescales. Clim. Past 17(3): 1025-1050.
    Lattaud, J.; Balzano, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Villanueva, L.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Schouten, S. (2021). Sources and seasonality of long-chain diols in a temperate lake (Lake Geneva). Org. Geochem. 156: 104223.
    de L. Sobrinho, R.; Bernardes, M.C.; de Rezende, C.E.; Kim, J.-H; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S (2021). A multiproxy approach to characterize the sedimentation of organic carbon in the Amazon continental shelf. Mar. Chem. 232: 103961.
    Smit, N.T.; Villanueva, L.; Rush, D.; Grassa, F.; Witkowski, C.R.; Holzheimer, M.; Minnaard, A.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2021). Novel hydrocarbon-utilizing soil mycobacteria synthesize unique mycocerosic acids at a Sicilian everlasting fire. Biogeosciences 18(4): 1463-1479.
  • 2020
    Bale, N.J.; Koenen, M.; Yadav, S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Villanueva, L.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2020). Diagnostic amide products of amino lipids detected in the microaerophilic bacteria Lutibacter during routine fatty acid analysis using gas chromatography. Org. Geochem. 144: 104027.
    Sluijs, A.; Frieling, J.; Inglis, G.N.; Nierop, K.G.J.; Peterse, F; Sangiorgi, F.; Schouten, S. (2020). Late Paleocene–early Eocene Arctic Ocean sea surface temperatures: reassessing biomarker paleothermometry at Lomonosov Ridge. Clim. Past 16(6): 2381-2400.
    Simon, M.H.; Ziegler, M.; Barker, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Schouten, S.; Hall, I.R. (2020). A late Pleistocene dataset of Agulhas Current variability. Scientific Data 7: 385.
    Witkowski, C.R.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Blais, B.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2020). Algal biomarkers as a proxy for pCO2: Constraints from late quaternary sapropels in the eastern Mediterranean. Org. Geochem. 150: 104123.
    Ruan, Y.; Mohtadi, M.; Dupont, L.M.; Hebbeln, D.; Kaars, S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Hyer, E.J.; Schefuß, E. (2020). Interaction of fire, vegetation, and climate in tropical ecosystems: A multiproxy study over the past 22,000 years. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 34(11): e2020GB006677.
    Cramwinckel, M.J.; Coxall, H.K.; Sliwinska, K.K.; Polling; Harper; Bijl, P.K.; Brinkhuis, H.; Eldrett, J.S.; Houben, A.J.P.; Peterse, F; Schouten, S.; Reichart, G.-J.; Zachos, J.C.; Sluijs, A. (2020). A warm, stratified, and restricted Labrador Sea across the middle Eocene and its climatic optimum. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35(10): e2020PA003932.
    Cramwinckel, M.J.; Coxall, H.K.; Sliwinska, K.K.; Polling, M.; Harper, D.P.; Bijl, P.K.; Brinkhuis, H.; Eldrett, J.S.; Houben, A.J.P.; Peterse, F; Schouten, S.; Reichart, G.-J.; Zachos, J.C.; Sluijs, A. (2020). A warm, stratified, and restricted Labrador Sea across the middle Eocene and its climatic optimum. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35(10): e2020PA003932.
    Schroeter, N.; Toney, J.L.; Lauterbach, S.; Kalanke, J.; Schwarz, A.; Schouten, S.; Gleixner, G. (2020). How to deal with multi-proxy data for paleoenvironmental reconstructions: Applications to a Holocene lake sediment record from the Tian Shan, Central Asia. Front. Earth Sci. 8: article 353.
    Witkowski, C.R.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Smit, N.T.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2020). Testing algal-based pCO2 proxies at a modern CO2 seep (Vulcano, Italy). NPG Scientific Reports 10(1): 10508.
    Leiva-Dueñas, C.; Leavitt, P.R.; Buchaca, T.; Cortizas, A.M.; López-Merino, L.; Serrano, O.; Lavery, P.S.; Schouten, S.; Mateo, M.A. (2020). Factors regulating primary producers' assemblages in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile ecosystems over the past 1800 years. Sci. Total Environ. 718: 137163.
    Riekenberg, P.M.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Schouten, S. (2020). Practical considerations for improved reliability and precision during determination of δ15N values in amino acids using a single combined oxidation-reduction reactor. Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 34(14): e8797.
    Quirós‐Collazos, L.; Calvo, E.; Schouten, S.; Van der Meer, M.T.J.; Rodrigo-Gamiz, M.; Pena, L.D.; Cacho, I.; Pelejero, C. (2020). Controls on primary productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific, east of the Galapagos islands, during the penultimate deglaciation. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 167(5).
    de Bar, M.W.; Weiss, G.M.; Yildiz, C.; Rampen, S.W.; Lattaud, J.; Bale, N.J.; Mienis, F.; Brummer, G.-J. A.; Schulz, H.; Rush, D.; Kim, J.-H.; Donner, B.; Knies, J.; Lückge, A.; Stuut, J.-B.W.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Schouten, S. (2020). Global temperature calibration of the Long chain Diol Index in marine surface sediments. Org. Geochem. 142: 103983.
    Korte, L.F.; Brummer, G.-J. A.; van der Does, M.; Guerreiro, C.V.; Mienis, F.; Munday, C.I.; Ponsoni, L.; Schouten, S.; Stuut, J.-B.W. (2020). Multiple drivers of production and particle export in the western tropical North Atlantic. Limnol. Oceanogr. 65(9): 2108-2124.
    Schroeter, N.; Lauterbach, S.; Stebich, M.; Kalanke, J.; Mingram, J.; Yildiz, C.; Schouten, S.; Gleixner, G. (2020). Biomolecular evidence of early human occupation of a high-altitude site in Western Central Asia during the Holocene. Front. Earth Sci. 8: article 20.
    Weiss, G.M.; Massalska, B.; Hennekam, R.; Reichart, G.-J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Schouten, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2020). Alkenone distributions and hydrogen isotope ratios show changes in haptophyte species and source water in the Holocene Baltic Sea. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 21(2): e2019GC008751.
    van Duyl, F.C.; Lengger, S.K.; Schouten, S.; Lundälv, T.; van Oevelen, D.; Müller, C.E. (2020). Dark CO2 fixation into phospholipid-derived fatty acids by the cold-water coral associated sponge Hymedesmia (Stylopus) coriacea (Tisler Reef, NE Skagerrak). Mar. Biol. Res. 16(1): 1-17.
    Besseling, M.A.; Hopmans, E.C.; Bale, N.J.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Villanueva, L. (2020). The absence of intact polar lipid-derived GDGTs in marine waters dominated by Marine Group II: Implications for lipid biosynthesis in Archaea. NPG Scientific Reports 10(1): 10 pp.
  • 2019
    Lengger, S.K.; Rush, D.; Mayser, J.P.; Blewett, J.; Schwartz-Narbonne, R.; Talbot, H.M.; Middelburg, J.J.; Jetten, M.S.M.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2019). Dark carbon fixation in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone contributes to sedimentary organic carbon (SOM). Global Biogeochem. Cycles 33(12): 1715-1732.
    Wang, F.; Liu, Y.; Su; Osinski, T.; de Oliveira; Conway; Schouten, S.; Krupovic, M.; Prangishvili, D.; Egelman, E.H. (2019). A packing for A-form DNA in an icosahedral virus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116(45): 22591-22597.
    Witkowski, C.R.; Agostini, S.; Harvey, B.P.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2019). Validation of carbon isotope fractionation in algal lipids as a pCO2 proxy using a natural CO2 seep (Shikine Island, Japan). Biogeosciences 16(22): 4451-4461.
    Bale, N.J.; Hennekam, R.; Hopmans, E.C.; Dorhout, D.; Reichart, G.-J.; Van der Meer, M.T.J.; Villareal, T.A.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Schouten, S. (2019). Biomarker evidence for nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial blooms in a brackish surface layer in the Nile River plume during sapropel deposition. Geology (Boulder Colo.) 47(11): 1088-1092.
    Dietze; Brykala; Schreuder, L.T.; Jazdzewski, K.; Blarquez; Brauer; Dietze; Obremska; Ott; Pienczewska; Schouten, S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Slowinski (2019). Human-induced fire regime shifts during 19th century industrialization: A robust fire regime reconstruction using northern Polish lake sediments. PLoS One 14(9): e0222011.
    Houben, A.J.P.; Quaijtaal, W.; Wade, B.S.; Schouten, S.; Brinkhuis, H. (2019). Quantitative organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in the Gulf of Mexico: A record of climate- and sea level change during the onset of Antarctic glaciation. Newsl. Stratigr. 52(2): 131-154.
    Häggi, C.; Schefuß, E.; Sawakuchi, A.O.; Chiessi, C.M.; Mulitza, S.; Bertassoli, D.J.; Hefter, J.; Zabel, M.; Baker, P.A.; Schouten, S. (2019). Modern and late Pleistocene particulate organic carbon transport by the Amazon River: Insights from long-chain alkyl diols. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 262: 1-19.
    Kurth, J.M.; Smit, N.T.; Berger, S.; Schouten, S.; Jetten, M.S.M.; Welte, C.U. (2019). Anaerobic methanotrophic archaea of the ANME-2dclade feature lipid composition that differs from otherANME archaea. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 95(7): fiz082.
    Smit, N.T.; Rush, D.; Sahonero Canavesi, D.X.; Verweij, M.; Rasigraf, O.; Guerrero-Cruz, S.; Jetten, M.S.M.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Schouten, S. (2019). Demethylated hopanoids in ‘Ca. Methylomirabilis oxyfera’ as biomarkers for environmental nitrite-dependent methane oxidation. Org. Geochem. 137: 103899.
    Lattaud, J.; Erdem, Z.; Weiss, G.M.; Rush, D.; Balzano, S.; Chivall, D.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Schouten, S. (2019). Hydrogen isotopic ratios of long-chain diols reflect salinity. Org. Geochem. 137: 103904.
    Besseling, M.A.; Hopmans, E.C.; Koenen, M.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Vreugdenhil, S.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Villanueva, L. (2019). Depth-related differences in archaeal populations impact the isoprenoid tetraether lipid composition of the Mediterranean Sea water column. Org. Geochem. 135: 16-31.
    Weiss, G.M.; de Bar, M.W.; Stolwijk, D.J.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2019). Paleosensitivity of hydrogen isotope ratios of long‐chain alkenones to salinity changes at the Chile Margin. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34(6): 978-989.
    Willard, D.A.; Donders, T.H.; Reichgelt; Greenwood, D.R.; Sangiorgi, F.; Peterse, F.; Nierop, K.G.J.; Frieling, J.; Schouten, S.; Sluijs, A. (2019). Arctic vegetation, temperature, and hydrology during Early Eocene transient global warming events. Global Planet. Change 178: 139-152.
    Houben, A.J.P.; Bijl, P.K.; Sluijs, A.; Schouten, S.; Brinkhuis, H. (2019). Late Eocene Southern Ocean Cooling and invigoration of circulation preconditioned Antarctica for full‐scale glaciation. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 20(5): 2214-2234.
    de Bar, M.W.; de Nooijer, L.J.; Schouten, S.; Ziegler, M.; Sluijs, A.; Reichart, G.-J. (2019). Comparing seawater temperature proxy records for the past 90 Myrs from the shallow shelf record Bass River, New Jersey. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34(4): 455-475.
    Weiss, G.M.; Roepert, A.; Middelburg, J.J.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2019). Hydrogen isotope fractionation response to salinity and alkalinity in a calcifying strain of Emiliania huxleyi. Org. Geochem. 134: 62-65.
    Schreuder, L.T.; Donders, T.H.; Mets, A.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Schouten, S. (2019). Comparison of organic and palynological proxies for biomass burning and vegetation in a lacustrine sediment record (Lake Allom, Fraser Island, Australia). Org. Geochem. 133: 10-19.
    Meegan Kumar, D.; Woltering, M.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Schouten, S.; Werne, J.P. (2019). The vertical distribution of Thaumarchaeota in the water column of Lake Malawi inferred from core and intact polar tetraether lipids. Org. Geochem. 132: 37-49.
    Lattaud, J.; Lo, L.; Zeeden, C.; Liu, Y.-J.; Song, S.-R.; Van der Meer, M.T.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2019). A multiproxy study of past environmental changes in the Sea of Okhotsk during the last 1.5 Ma. Org. Geochem. 132: 50-61.
    Balzano, S.; Villanueva, L.; de Bar, M.; Sahonero Canavesi, D.X.; Yildiz, C.; Engelmann, J.C.; Maréchal, E.; Lupette, J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2019). Biosynthesis of long chain alkyl diols and long chain alkenols in Nannochloropsis spp. (Eustigmatophyceae). Plant Cell Physiol. 60(8): 1666-1682.
    Beltran, C.; Rousselle, G.; de Rafélis, M.; Sicre, M.-A.; Labourdette, N.; Schouten, S. (2019). Evolution of the zonal gradients across the equatorial Pacific during the Miocene–Pleistocene. J. Sedim. Res. 89(3): 242-252.
    de Bar, M.W.; Ullgren, J.E.; Thunnell, R.C.; Wakeham, S.G.; Brummer, G.-J. A.; Stuut, J.-B.W.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Schouten, S. (2019). Long-chain diols in settling particles in tropical oceans: insights into sources, seasonality and proxies. Biogeosciences 16(8): 1705-1727.
    Schreuder, L.T.; Hopmans, E.C.; Castañeda, I.S.; Schefuß, E.; Mulitza, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2019). Late Quaternary biomass burning in Northwest Africa and interactions with climate, vegetation, and humans. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34(2): 153-163.
    Sliwinska, K.K.; Thomsen, E.; Schouten, S.; Schoon, P.L.; Heilmann-Clausen, C. (2019). Climate- and gateway-driven cooling of Late Eocene to earliest Oligocene sea surface temperatures in the North Sea Basin. NPG Scientific Reports 9(1): 4458.
    Cramwinckel, M.J.; van der Ploeg, R.; Bijl, P.K.; Peterse, F; Bohaty, S.M.; Röhl, U.; Schouten, S.; Middelburg, J.J.; Sluijs, A. (2019). Harmful algae and export production collapse in the equatorial Atlantic during the zenith of Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum warmth. Geology (Boulder Colo.) 47(3): 247-250.
    Weiss, G.M.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Van der Meer, M.T.J. (2019). Constraining the application of hydrogen isotopic composition of alkenones as a salinity proxy using marine surface sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 250: 34-48.
    de Bar, M.W.; Rampen, S.W.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2019). Constraining the applicability of organic paleotemperature proxies for the last 90 Myrs. Org. Geochem. 128: 122-136.
    van Maldegem, L.M.; Sansjofre, P.; Weijers, J.W.H.; Wolkenstein, K.; Strother, P.K.; Wörmer, L.; Hefter, J.; Nettersheim, B.J.; Hoshino, Y.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Nath, N.; Griesinger, C.; Kuznetsov, N.B.; Elie, M.; Elvert, M.; Tegelaar, E.; Gleixner, G.; Hallmann, C. (2019). Bisnorgammacerane traces predatory pressure and the persistent rise of algal ecosystems after Snowball Earth. Nature Comm. 10(1): 476.
    Etourneau, J.; Sgubin, G.; Crosta, X.; Swingedouw, D.; Willmott, V.; Barbara, L.; Houssais, M.-N.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Goosse, H.; Escutia, C.; Crespin, J.; Massé, G.; Kim, J.-H (2019). Ocean temperature impact on ice shelf extent in the eastern Antarctic Peninsula. Nature Comm. 10(article number: 304): 8 pp.
    Bischof, L.F.; Haurat, M.F.; Hoffmann, L.; Albersmeier, A.; Wolf, J.; Neu, A.; Pham, T.K.; Albaum, S.P.; Jakobi, T.; Schouten, S.; Neumann-Schaal, M.; Wright, P.C.; Kalinowski, J.; Siebers, B.; Albers, S.-V. (2019). Early response of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius to nutrient limitation. Front. Microbiol. 9: 3201.
  • 2018
    de Bar, M.W.; Stolwijk, D.J.; McManus, J.F.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2018). A Late Quaternary climate record based on long-chain diol proxies from the Chilean margin. Clim. Past 14(11): 1783-1803.
    Witkowski, C.R.; Weijers, J.W.H.; Blais, B.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2018). Molecular fossils from phytoplankton reveal secular Pco2 trend over the Phanerozoic. Science Advances 4(11): eaat4556.
    Balzano, S.; Lattaud, J.; Villanueva, L.; Rampen, S.W.; Brussaard, C.P.D.; van Bleijswijk, J.; Bale, N.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2018). A quest for the biological sources of long chain alkyl diols in the western tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Biogeosciences 15(19): 5951-5968.
    Heimhofer, U.; Wucherpfennig, N.; Adatte, T.; Schouten, S.; Schneebeli-Hermann, E.; Gardin, S.; Keller, G.; Kentsch, S.; Kujau, A. (2018). Vegetation response to exceptional global warmth during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. Nature Comm. 9: 3832.
    Jaeschke, A.; Rethemeyer, J.; Lappé, M.; Schouten, S.; Boeckx, P.; Schefuß, E. (2018). Influence of land use on distribution of soil n-alkane δD and brGDGTs along an altitudinal transect in Ethiopia: Implications for (paleo)environmental studies. Org. Geochem. 124: 77-87.
    Liu, Y.; Osinski, T.; Wang, F.; Krupovic, M.; Schouten, S.; Kasson, P.; Prangishvili, D.; Egelman, E.H. (2018). Structural conservation in a membrane-enveloped filamentous virus infecting a hyperthermophilic acidophile. Nature Comm. 9(1): 3360.
    Hartman, J.D.; Sangiorgi, F.; Salabarnada, A.; Peterse, F; Houben, A.J.P.; Schouten, S.; Brinkhuis, H.; Escutia, C.; Bijl, P.K. (2018). Paleoceanography and ice sheet variability offshore Wilkes Land, Antarctica – Part 3: Insights from Oligocene–Miocene TEX86-based sea surface temperature reconstructions. Clim. Past 14(9): 1275-1297.
    Reiche, S.; Rampen, S.W.; Dorhout, D.J.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2018). The impact of oxygen exposure on long-chain alkyl diols and the long chain diol index (LDI) – a long-term incubation study. Org. Geochem. 124: 238-246.
    Heinzelmann, S.M.; Villanueva, L.; Lipsewers, Y.A.; Sinke-Schoen, D.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; Van der Meer, M.T.J. (2018). Assessing the metabolism of sedimentary microbial communities using the hydrogen isotopic composition of fatty acids. Org. Geochem. 124: 123-132.
    Cramwinckel, M.J.; Huber, M.; Kocken, I.J.; Agnini, C.; Bijl, P.K.; Bohaty, S.M.; Frieling, J.; Goldner, A.; Hilgen, F.J.; Kip, E.L.; Peterse, F; van der Ploeg, R.; Röhl, U.; Schouten, S.; Sluijs, A. (2018). Synchronous tropical and polar temperature evolution in the Eocene. Nature (Lond.) 559(7714): 382-386.
    Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Rijpstra, W.I.C.; Hopmans, E.C.; den Uijl, M.J.; Weijers, J.W.H.; Schouten, S. (2018). The enigmatic structure of the crenarchaeol isomer. Org. Geochem. 124: 22-28.
    Lattaud, J.; Kirkels, F.; Peterse, F.; Freymond, C.V.; Eglinton, T.I.; Hefter, J.; Mollenhauer, G.; Balzano, S.; Villanueva, L.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2018). Long-chain diols in rivers: distribution and potential biological sources. Biogeosciences 15(13): 4147-4161.
    Lattaud, J.; Lo, L.; Huang, J.-J.; Chou, Y.-M.; Gorbarenko, S.A.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S; Schouten, S. (2018). A comparison of Late Quaternary organic proxy-based paleotemperature records of the Central Sea of Okhotsk. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 33(7): 732-744.
    Bojanowski, M.J.; Ciurej, A.; Haczewski, G.; Jokubauskas, P.; Schouten, S.; Tyszka, J.; Bijl, P.K. (2018). The Central Paratethys during Oligocene as an ancient counterpart of the present-day Black Sea: Unique records from the coccolith limestones. Mar. Geol. 403: 301-328.
    Bale, N.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Dorhout, D.; Stal, L.J.; Grego, M.; van Bleijswijk, J.D.L.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2018). A novel heterocyst glycolipid detected in a pelagic N2 -fixing cyanobacterium of the genus Calothrix. Org. Geochem. 123: 44-47.
    Lo, L.; Belt, S.T.; Lattaud, J.; Friedrich, T.; Zeeden, C.; Schouten, S.; Smik, L.; Timmermann, A.; Cabedo-Sanz, P.; Huang, J.-J.; Zhou, L.; Ou, T.-H.; Chang, Y.-P.; Wang, L.-C.; Chou, Y.-M.; Shen, C.-C.; Chen, M.-T.; Wei, K.-Y.; Song, S.-R.; Fang, T.-H.; Gorbarenko, S.A.; Wang, W.-L.; Lee, T.-Q.; Elderfield, H.; Hodell, D.A. (2018). Precession and atmospheric CO2 modulated variability of sea ice in the central Okhotsk Sea since 130,000 years ago. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 488: 36-45.
    Schreuder, L.T.; Hopmans, E.C.; Stuut, J.-B.W.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2018). Transport and deposition of the fire biomarker levoglucosan across the tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 227: 171-185.
    Bale, N.J.; Villareal, T.A.; Hopmans, E.C.; Brussaard, C.P.D.; Besseling, M.; Dorhout, D.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2018). C5 glycolipids of heterocystous cyanobacteria track symbiont abundance in the diatom Hemiaulus hauckii across the tropical North Atlantic. Biogeosciences 15(4): 1229-1241.
    Sangiorgi, F.; Bijl, P.K.; Passchier, S.; Salzmann, U.; Schouten, S.; McKay, R.M.; Cody, R.D.; Pross, J.; van de Flierdt, T.; Bohaty, S.M.; Levy, R.; Williams, T.; Escutia, C.; Brinkhuis, H. (2018). Southern Ocean warming and Wilkes Land ice sheet retreat during the mid-Miocene. Nature Comm. 9(1): 317.
    Schreuder, L.T.; Stuut, J.-B. W.; Korte, L.F.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2018). Aeolian transport and deposition of plant wax n-alkanes across the tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Org. Geochem. 115: 113-123.
  • 2017
    Weiss, G.M.; Pfannerstill, E.Y.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2017). Effects of alkalinity and salinity at low and high light intensity on hydrogen isotope fractionation of long-chain alkenones produced by Emiliania huxleyi. Biogeosciences 14(24): 5693-5704.
    de Bar, M.W.; Hopmans, E.C.; Verweij, M.; Dorhout, D.J.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2017). Development and comparison of chromatographic methods for the analysis of long chain diols and alkenones in biological materials and sediment. J. Chromatogr. 1521: 150-160.
    Lattaud, J.; Dorhout, D.; Schulz, H.; Castañeda, I.S.; Schefuß, E.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2017). The C32 alkane-1,15-diol as a proxy of late Quaternary riverine input in coastal margins. Clim. Past 13(8): 1049-1061.
    Holtvoeth, J.; Vogel, H.; Valsecchi, V.; Lindhorst, K.; Schouten, S.; Wagner, B.; Wolff, G.A. (2017). Linear and non-linear responses of vegetation and soils to glacial-interglacial climate change in a Mediterranean refuge. NPG Scientific Reports 7(1): 7.
    O'Brien, C.L.; Robinson, S.A.; Pancost, R.D.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; Lunt, D.J.; Alsenz, H.; Bornemann, A.; Bottini, C.; Brassell, S.C.; Farnsworth, A.; Forster, A.; Huber, B.T.; Inglis, G.N.; Jenkyns, H.C.; Linnert, C.; Littler, K.; Markwick, P.; McAnena, A.; Mutterlose, J.; Naafs, B.D.A.; Püttmann, W.; Sluijs, A.; van Helmond, N.A.G.M.; Vellekoop, J.; Wagner, T.; Wrobel, N.E. (2017). Cretaceous sea-surface temperature evolution: Constraints from TEX86 and planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes. Earth-Sci. Rev. 172: 224-247.
    Kasson, P.; DiMaio, F.; Yu, X.; Lucas-Staat, S.; Krupovic, M.; Schouten, S.; Prangishvili, D.; Egelman, E.H. (2017). Model for a novel membrane envelope in a filamentous hyperthermophilic virus. eLIFE 6: e26268.
    Vellekoop, J.; Holwerda, F.; Prámparo, M.B.; Willmott, V.; Schouten, S.; Cúneo, N.R.; Scasso, R.A.; Brinkhuis, H. (2017). Climate and sea-level changes across a shallow marine Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary succession in Patagonia, Argentina. Palaeontology 60(4): 519-534.
    Christianen, M.J.A.; Middelburg, J.J.; Holthuijsen, S.J.; Jouta, J.; Compton, T.J.; van der Heide, T.; Piersma, T.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; van der Veer, H.W.; Schouten, S.; Olff, H. (2017). Benthic primary producers are key to sustain the Wadden Sea food web: stable carbon isotope analysis at landscape scale. Ecology 98(6): 1498-1512.
    Balzano, S.; Villanueva, L.; de Bar, M.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2017). Impact of culturing conditions on the abundance and composition of long chain alkyl diols in species of the genus Nannochloropsis. Org. Geochem. 108: 9-17.
    Denis, E.H.; Pedentchouk, N.; Schouten, S.; Pagani, M.; Freeman, K.H. (2017). Fire and ecosystem change in the Arctic across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 467: 149-156.
    Korte, L.F.; Brummer, G.-J. A.; van der Does, M.; Guerreiro, C.V.; Hennekam, R.; van Hateren, J.A.; Jong, D.; Munday, C.I.; Schouten, S.; Stuut, J-B W. (2017). Downward particle fluxes of biogenic matter and Saharan dust across the equatorial North Atlantic. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 17(9): 6023-6040.
    Bale, N.; de Vries, S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2017). A method for quantifying heterocyst glycolipids in biomass and sediments. Org. Geochem. 110: 33-35.
    Jaramillo, C.; Romero, I.; D’Apolito, C.; Bayona, G.; Duarte, E.; Louwye, S.; Escobar, J.; Luque, J.; Carrillo-Briceño, J.D.; Zapata, V.; Mora, A.; Schouten, S.; Zavada, M.; Harrington, G.; Ortiz, J.; Wesselingh, F.P. (2017). Miocene flooding events of western Amazonia. Science Advances 3(5): e1601693.
    Lattaud, J.; Kim, J.-H; de Jonge, C.; Zell, C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2017). The C32 alkane-1,15-diol as a tracer for riverine input in coastal seas. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 202: 146-158.
    Kandiano, E.S.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Schouten, S.; Fahl, K.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Bauch, H.A. (2017). Response of the North Atlantic surface and intermediate ocean structure to climate warming of MIS 11. NPG Scientific Reports 7: 46192.
    Frieling, J.; Gebhardt, H.; Huber, M.; Adekeye, O.A.; Akande, S.O.; Reichart, G.-J.; Middelburg, J.J.; Schouten, S.; Sluijs, A. (2017). Extreme warmth and heat-stressed plankton in the tropics during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Science Advances 3(3): e1600891.
    Villanueva, L.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2017). Phylogenomic analysis of lipid biosynthetic genes of Archaea shed light on the ‘lipid divide’. Environ. Microbiol. 19(1): 54-69.
  • 2016
    Sciscio, L.; Tsikos, H.; Roberts, D.L.; Scott, L.; van Breugel, Y.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; Grocke, D.R. (2016). Miocene climate and vegetation changes in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa: Evidence from biogeochemistry and palynology. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 445: 124-137.
    Levy, R.; Schouten, S.; SMS Sci Team (2016). Antarctic ice sheet sensitivity to atmospheric CO2 variations in the early to mid-Miocene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113(13): 3453–3458.
    Johnson, T.C.; Werne, J.P.; Brown, E.T.; Abbott, A.; Berke, M.; Steinman, B.E.; Halbur, J.; Contreras, S.; Grosshuesch, S.; Deino, A.; Lyons, R.P.; Scholz, C.A.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2016). A progressively wetter climate in southern East Africa over the past 1.3 million years. Nature (Lond.) 537(7619): 220-224.
    den Haan, J.; Huisman, J.; Brocke, H.J.; Goehlich, H.; Latijnhouwers, K.R.W.; van Heeringen, S.; Honcoop, S.A.S.; Bleyenberg, T.E.; Schouten, S.; Cerli, C.; Hoitinga, L.; Vermeij, M.J.A.; Visser, P.M. (2016). Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake rates of different species from a coral reef community after a nutrient pulse. NPG Scientific Reports 6: 28821.
    Courtens, E.N.P.; Spieck, E.; Vilchez-Vargas, R.; Bodé, S.; Boeckx, P.; Schouten, S.; Jáuregui, R.; Pieper, D.H.; Vlaeminck, S.E.; Boon, N. (2016). A robust nitrifying community in a bioreactor at 50°C opens up the path for thermophilic nitrogen removal. ISME J. 10: 2293–2303.
    Castañeda, I.S; Schouten, S.; Paetzold, J.; Lucassen, F; Kasemann, S.; Kuhlmann, H.; Schefuß, E. (2016). Hydroclimate variability in the Nile River Basin during the past 28,000 years. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 438: 47-56.
    Castañeda, I.S; Caley, T.; Dupont, L.; Kim, J.-H.; Malaizé, B.; Schouten, S. (2016). Middle to Late Pleistocene vegetation and climate change insubtropical southern East Africa. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 450: 306–316.
    Rensen, E.I.; Mochizuki, T,; Quemin, E.R. J.; Schouten, S.; Krupovica, M.; Prangishvili, D. (2016). A virus of hyperthermophilic archaea with a unique architecture among DNA viruses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113(9): 2478–2483.
    Lehtovirta-Morley, L.E.; Sayavedra-Soto, L.A.; Gallois, N.; Schouten, S.; Stein, L.Y.; Prosser, J.I.; Nicol, G.W. (2016). Identifying Potential Mechanisms Enabling Acidophily in the Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaeon “Candidatus Nitrosotalea devanaterra”. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 82: 2608-2619.
    Kim, J.G.; Park, S.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; Rijpstra, W.I.C.; Jung, M.Y.; Kim, S.J.; Gwak, J.-H.; Hong, H.; Si, O.-J.; Lee, S.H.; Madsen, E.L.; Rhee, S.K. (2016). Hydrogen peroxide detoxification is a key mechanism for growth of ammonia-oxidizing archaea. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113(28): 7888–7893.
    Rodrigo-Gámiz, M.; Rampen, S.W.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2016). The impact of oxic degradation on long chain alkyl diol distributions in Arabian Sea surface sediments. Org. Geochem. 100: 1-9.
    Kandiano, E.S.; Van der Meer, M.T.J.; Bauch, H.A.; Helmke, J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2016). A cold and fresh ocean surface in the Nordic Seas during MIS 11: Significance for the future ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett. 43(20): 10,929–10,937.
    Svensson, E.; Schouten, S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Middelburg, J.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2016). Factors Controlling the Stable Nitrogen Isotopic Composition (δ15N) of Lipids in Marine Animals. PLoS One 11(1): e0146321.
    Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2016). The effect of improved chromatography on GDGT-based palaeoproxies. Org. Geochem. 93: 1-6.
    de Bar, M.W.; Dorhout, D.J.C.; Hopmans, E.C.; Rampen, S.W.; Sinninghe Damste, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2016). Constraints on the application of long chain diol proxies in the Iberian Atlantic margin. Org. Geochem. 10: 184–195.
    Maat, D.; Bale, N.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; Brussaard, C.P.D. (2016). Increasing P limitation and viral infection impact lipid remodeling of the picophytoplankter Micromonas pusilla. Biogeosciences 13(5): 1667-1676.
    Bale, N.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schoon, P.; de Kluijver, A.; Downing, J.A.; Middelburg, J.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2016). Impact of trophic state on the distribution of intact polar lipids in surface waters of lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 61(3): 1065–1077.
    Heinzelmann, S.M.; Bale, N.J.; Villanueva, L.; Sinke-Schoen, D.; Philippart, C.J.M.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; Van der Meer, M.T.J. (2016). Seasonal changes in the D  /  H ratio of fatty acids of pelagic microorganisms in the coastal North Sea. Biogeosciences 13: 5527-5539.
  • 2015
    Villanueva, L. ; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2015). Depth-related distribution of a key gene of the tetraether lipid biosynthetic pathway in marine Thaumarchaeota. Environ. Microbiol. 17(10): 3527–3539.
    Svensson, E.; Schouten, S.; Stam, A.; Middelburg, J.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2015). Compound-specific stable isotope analysis of nitrogen-containing intact polar lipids. Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 29(23): 2263–2271.
    Schoon, P.L.; Heilmann-Clausen, C.; Schultz, B.P.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2015). Warming and environmental changes in the eastern North Sea Basin during the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum as revealed by biomarker lipids. Org. Geochem. 78: 79–88.
    Kaiser, J.; Schouten, S.; Kilian, R.; Arz, H.W.; Lamy, F.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2015). Isoprenoid and branched GDGT-based proxies for surface sediments from marine, fjord and lake environments in Chile. Org. Geochem. 89-90: 117-127.
    Jean, M.R.N.; Gonzalez-Rizzo, S.; Gauffre-Autelin, P.; Lengger, S.K.; Schouten, S.; Gros, O. (2015). Two New Beggiatoa Species Inhabiting Marine Mangrove Sediments in the Caribbean. PLoS One 10(2): e0117832.
    Günther, F.; Witt, R.; Schouten, S.; Mausbacher, R.; Daut, G.; Zhu, L.; Xu, B.Q.; Yao, T.; Gleixner, G. (2015). Quaternary ecological responses and impacts of the Indian Ocean Summer Monsoon at Nam Co, Southern Tibetan Plateau. Quat. Sci. Rev. 112: 66-77.
    Bottini, C.; Erba, E.; Tiraboschi, D.; Jenkyns, H.C.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2015). Climate variability and ocean fertility during the Aptian Stage. Clim. Past 11: 383-402.
    Quemin, E.R. J.; Pietilä, M.K.; Oksanen, H.M.; Forterre, P.; Rijpstra, W.I.C.; Schouten, S.; Bamford, D,H,; Prangishvili, D.; Krupovica, M. (2015). Sulfolobus Spindle-Shaped Virus 1 Contains Glycosylated Capsid Proteins, a Cellular Chromatin Protein, and Host-Derived Lipids. J. Virol. 89(22): 11681-11691.
    Simon, M.H.; Gong, X.; Hall, I.R.; Ziegler, M.; Barker, S.; Knorr, G.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Kasper, S.; Schouten, S. (2015). Salt exchange in the Indian-Atlantic Ocean Gateway since the Last Glacial Maximum: A compensating effect between Agulhas Current changes and salinity variations? Paleoceanography 30(10): 1318–1327.
    Sollai, M.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Keil, R.G.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2015). Intact polar lipids of Thaumarchaeota and anammox bacteria as indicators of N cycling in the eastern tropical North Pacific oxygen-deficient zone. Biogeosciences 12: 4725-4737.
    Kim, J.H.; Schouten, S.; Rodrigo-Gámiz, M.; Rampen, S.W.; Marino, G.; Huguet, C.; Helmke, P.; Buscail, R.; Hopmans, E.C.; Pross, J.; Sangiorgi, F.; Middelburg, J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2015). Influence of deep-water derived isoprenoid tetraether lipids on the TEX h 86 paleothermometer in the Mediterranean Sea. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 150: 125–141.
    Heinzelmann, S.M.; Chivall, D.; M'boule, D.; Sinke-Schoen, D.; Villanueva, L.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2015). Comparison of the effect of salinity on the D/H ratio of fatty acids of heterotrophic and photoautotrophic microorganisms. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 362(10).
    Heinzelmann, S.M.; Villanueva, L. ; Sinke-Schoen, D.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; Van der Meer, M.T.J. (2015). Impact of metabolism and growth phase on the hydrogen isotopic composition of microbial fatty acids. Front. Microbiol. 6: 408.
    van der Meer, M.T.J.; Benthien, A.; French, K.L.; Epping, E.; Zondervan, I.; Reichart, G.J.; Bijma, J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2015). Large effect of irradiance on hydrogen isotope fractionation of alkenones in Emiliania huxleyi. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 160: 16-24.
    Kasper, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Castañeda, I.S; Tjallingii, R.; Brummer, G.J.A.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2015). Testing the alkenone D/H ratio as a paleo indicator of sea surface salinity in a coastal ocean margin (Mozambique Channel). Org. Geochem. 78: 62-68.
    Bale, N.J.; Maat, D.S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Mets, A.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Brussaard, C.P.D.; Schouten, S. (2015). Fatty acid dynamics during viral infection of Phaeocystis globosa. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 74: 85–94.
    Bale, N.; Hopmans, E.C.; Zell, C.; Sobrinho, R.; Kim, J.H.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Villareal, T.A.; Schouten, S. (2015). Long chain glycolipids with pentose head groups as biomarkers for marine endosymbiotic heterocystous cyanobacteria. Org. Geochem. 81: 1-7.
    Rodrigo-Gámiz, M.; Rampen, S.W.; de Haas, H.; Baas, M.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2015). Constraints on the applicability of the organic temperature proxies Uk'37, TEX86 and LDI in the subpolar region around Iceland. Biogeosciences 12(22).
  • 2014
    Weijers, J.W.H.; Schefuß, E.; Kim, J.-H.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.; Schouten, S. (2014). Constraints on the sources of branched tetraether membrane lipids in distal marine sediments. Org. Geochem. 72: 14-22.
    Villanueva, L.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2014). A re-evaluation of the archaeal membrane lipid biosynthetic pathway. Nat. Rev., Microbiol. 12(6): 438-448.
    Svensson, E.; Freitas, V.; Schouten, S.; Middelburg, J.J.; van der Veer, H.W.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2014). Comparison of the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic values of gill and white muscle tissue of fish. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 457: 173-179.
    Sluijs, A.; van Roij, L.; Harrington, G.J.; Schouten, S.; Sessa, J.A.; LeVay, L.J.; Reichart, G.-J.; Slomp, C.P. (2014). Warming, euxinia and sea level rise during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum on the Gulf Coastal Plain: implications for ocean oxygenation and nutrient cycling. Clim. Past 10: 1421-1439.
    Sliwinska, K.K.; Dybkjær, K.; Schoon, P.L.; Beyer, C.; King, C.; Schouten, S.; Nielsen, O.B. (2014). Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental records of the Oligocene-Miocene transition, central Jylland, Denmark. Mar. Geol. 350: 1-15.
    Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; Volkman, J.K. (2014). C27-C30 neohop-13(18)-enes and their saturated and aromatic derivatives in sediments: Indicators for diagenesis and water column stratification. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 133: 402-421.
    Seki, O.; Mikami, Y.; Nagao, S.; Bendle, J.A.; Nakatsuka, T.; Kim, V.I. ; Shesterkin, V.P.; Makinov, A.N.; Fukushima, M.; Moossen, H.M.; Schouten, S. (2014). Lignin phenols and BIT index distributions in the Amur River and the Sea of Okhotsk: Implications for the source and transport of particulate terrestrial organic matter to the ocean. Prog. Oceanogr. 126: 146-154.
    Mutterlose, J.; Bottini, C.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2014). High sea-surface temperatures during the early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a in the Boreal Realm. Geology (Boulder Colo.) 42(5): 439-442.
    Günther, F.; Thiele, A.; Gleixner, G.; Xu, B.Q.; Yao, T.; Schouten, S. (2014). Distribution of bacterial and archaeal ether lipids in soils and surface sediments of Tibetan lakes: Implications for GDGT-based proxies in saline high mountain lakes. Org. Geochem. 67: 19-30.
    Giusberti, L.; Bannikov, A.; Galazzo, F.B.; Fornaciari, E.; Frieling, J.; Luciani, V.; Papazzoni, C.A.; Roghi, G.; Schouten, S.; Sluijs, A.; Bosellini, F.R.; Zorzin, R. (2014). A new Fossil-Lagerstätte from the Lower Eocene of Lessini Mountains (northern Italy): A multidisciplinary approach. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 403: 1-15.
    Frieling, J.; Iakovleva, A.I.; Reichart, G.-J.; Aleksandrova, G.N.; Gnibidenko, Z.N.; Schouten, S.; Sluijs, A. (2014). Paleocene–Eocene warming and biotic response in the epicontinental West Siberian Sea. Geology (Boulder Colo.) 42(9): 767-770.
    Douglas, P.M.J.; Affek, H.P.; Ivany, L.C.; Houben, A.J.P.; Sijp, W.P.; Sluijs, A.; Schouten, S.; Pagani, M. (2014). Pronounced zonal heterogeneity in Eocene southern high-latitude sea surface temperatures. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111(18): 6582-6587.
    de Kluijver, A.; Schoon, P.L.; Downing, J.A.; Schouten, S.; Middelburg, J.J. (2014). Stable carbon isotope biogeochemistry of lakes along a trophic gradient. Biogeosciences 11: 6265– 6276.
    Blyth, A.J.; Jex, C.N.; Baker, A.; Khan, S.J.; Schouten, S. (2014). Contrasting distributions of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in speleothems and associated soils. Org. Geochem. 69: 1-10.
    Blanchet, C.; Frank, M.; Schouten, S. (2014). Asynchronous Changes in Vegetation, Runoff and Erosion in the Nile River Watershed during the Holocene. PLoS One 9(12): e115958.
    Berke, M.A.; Johnson, T.C.; Werne, J.P.; Livingstone, D.R.; Grice, K.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2014). Characterization of the last deglacial transition in tropical East Africa: Insights from Lake Albert. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 409: 1-8.
    Bauersachs, T.; Schouten, S.; Schwark, L. (2014). Characterization of the sedimentary organic matter preserved in Messel oil shale by bulk geochemistry and stable isotopes. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 410: 390-400.
    Villanueva, L.; Rijpstra, W.I.C.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2014). Genetic biomarkers of the sterol-biosynthetic pathway in microalgae. Environmental Microbiology Reports 6(1): 35-44.
    Rush, D.; Jaeschke, A.; Geenevasen, J.A.J.; Tegelaar, E.; Pureveen, J.; Lewan, M.D.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2014). Generation of unusual branched long chain alkanes from hydrous pyrolysis of anammox bacterial biomass. Org. Geochem. 76: 136–145.
    Rush, D.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Poulton, S.W.; Thamdrup, B.; Leigh Garside, A.; Acuña-Gonzalez, J.; Schouten, S.; Jetten, M.S.M.; Talbot, H.M. (2014). Anaerobic ammonium-oxidising bacteria: A biological source of the bacteriohopanetetrol stereoisomer in marine sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 140: 50-63.
    Rodrigo-Gámiz, M.; Martínez-Ruiz, F.; Rampen, S.W.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2014). Sea surface temperature variations in the western Mediterranean Sea over the last 20 kyr: A dual-organic proxy (UK'37 and LDI) approach. Paleoceanography 29(2): 87-98.
    Rampen, S.W.; Willmott, V.; Kim, J.H.; Rodrigo-Gamiz, M.; Uliana, E.; Mollenhauer, G.; Schefuß, E.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2014). Evaluation of long chain 1,14-alkyl diols in marine sediments as indicators for upwelling and temperature. Org. Geochem. 76: 39–47.
    Rampen, S.; Datema, M.; Rodrigo-Gámiz, M.; Schouten, S.; Reichart, G.-J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2014). Sources and proxy potential of long chain alkyl diols in lacustrine environments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 144: 59–71.
    M'boule, D.; Chivall, D.; Sinke-Schoen, D.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2014). Salinity dependent hydrogen isotope fractionation in alkenones produced by coastal and open ocean haptophyte algae. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 130: 126-135.
    Kasper, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Mets, A.; Zahn, R.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2014). Salinity changes in the Agulhas leakage area recorded by stable hydrogen isotopes of C37 alkenones during Termination I and II. Clim. Past 10(1): 251-260.
    Chivall, D.; M'Boule, D.; Sinke-Schoen, D.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2014). The effects of growth phase and salinity on the hydrogen isotopic composition of alkenones produced by coastal haptophyte algae. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 140: 381–390.
    Chivall, D.; M'Boule, D.; Sinke-Schoen, D.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2014). Impact of salinity and growth phase on alkenone distributions in coastal haptophytes. Org. Geochem. 67: 31-34.
    Schouten, S.; Villanueva, L.; Hopmans, E.C.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2014). Are Marine Group II Euryarchaeota significant contributors to tetraether lipids in the ocean? Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111(41): e4285.
    Lengger, S.K.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2014). Fossilization and degradation of archaeal intact polar tetraether lipids in deeply buried marine sediments (Peru Margin). Geobiol. 12(3): 212-220.
    Lengger, S.K.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2014). Impact of sedimentary degradation and deep water column production on GDGT abundance and distribution in surface sediments in the Arabian Sea: Implicationsfor the TEX86 paleothermometer. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 142: 386-399.
    De Jonge, C.; Hopmans, E.C.; Zell, C.; Kim, J.H.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2014). Occurrence and abundance of 6-methyl branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in soils: Implications for palaeoclimate reconstruction. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 141: 97–112.
    Lengger, S.K.; Lipsewers, Y.A.; de Haas, H.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2014). Lack of 13C-label incorporation suggests low turnover rates of thaumarchaeal intact polar tetraether lipids in sediments from the Iceland shelf. Biogeosciences 11(2): 201-216.
    Vellekoop, J.; Sluijs, A.; Smit, J.; Schouten, S.; Weijers, J.W.H.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Brinkhuis, H. (2014). Rapid short-term cooling following the Chicxulub impact at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111(21): 7537-7541.
    Villanueva, L.; Hopmans, E.C.; Bale, N.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2014). Diversity and distribution of a key sulpholipid biosynthetic gene in marine microbial assemblages. Environ. Microbiol. 16(3): 774-787.
    Lipsewers, Y.A.; Bale, N.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Villanueva, L. (2014). Seasonality and depth distribution of the abundance and activity of ammonia oxidizing microorganisms in marine coastal sediments (North Sea). Front. Microbiol. 5: 471 1-12.
    Heinzelmann, S.M.; Bale, N.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J. (2014). Critical Assessment of Glyco- and Phospholipid Separation by Using Silica Chromatography. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 80(1): 360-365.
    Bale, N.; Villanueva, L.; Fan, H.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Stal, L.J. (2014). Occurrence and activity of anammox bacteria in surface sediments of the southern North Sea. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 89(1): 99–110.
  • 2013
    Veuger, B.; Pitcher, A.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Middelburg, J.J. (2013). Nitrification and growth of autotrophic nitrifying bacteria and Thaumarchaeota in the coastal North Sea. Biogeosciences 10(3): 1775-1785.
    Turich, C.; Schouten, S.; Thunell, R.C.; Varela, R.; Astor, Y.; Wakeham, S.G. (2013). Comparison of TEX86 and UK37 temperature proxies in sinking particles in the Cariaco Basin. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 78: 115-133.
    Smith, M.; De Deckker, P.; Rogers, J.; Brocks, J.; Hope, J.; Schmidt, S.; Lopes dos Santos, R.; Schouten, S. (2013). Comparison of UK37, TEXH86 and LDI temperature proxies for reconstruction of south-east Australian ocean temperatures. Org. Geochem. 64: 94-104.
    Schoon, P.L.; de Kluijver, A.; Middelburg, J.J.; Downing, J.A.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2013). Influence of lake water pH and alkalinity on the distribution of coreand intact polar branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in lakes. Org. Geochem. 60: 72-82.
    Schoon, P.L.; Heilmann-Clausen, C.; Schultz, B.P.; Sluijs, A.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2013). Recognition of Early Eocene global carbon isotope excursions using lipids of marine Thaumarchaeota. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 373: 160-168.
    Pancost, R.D.; Taylor, K.W.R.; Inglis, G.N.; Kennedy, E.M,; Handley, L.; Hollis, C.J.; Crouch, E.; Pross, J.; Huber, M.; Schouten, S.; Pearson, P.N.; Morgans, H.E.G.; Raine, J.I. (2013). Early Paleogene evolution of terrestrial climate in the SW Pacific, Southern New Zealand. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 14(12): 5413-5429.
    Lopes dos Santos, R.A.; De Deckker, P.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2013). A late Quaternary sedimentary record of steryl alkyl ethers from offshore southeastern Australia. Org. Geochem. 54: 140-145.
    Lopes dos Santos, R.A.; Spooner, M.I.; Barrows, T.Y.; De Deckker, P.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2013). Comparison of organic (UK'37, TEXH86, LDI) and faunal proxies (foraminiferal assemblages) for reconstruction of late Quaternary sea surface temperature variability from offshore southeastern Australia. Paleoceanography 28(3): 377–387.
    Gaudin, M.; Gauliard, E.; Schouten, S.; Houel-Renault, L.; Lenormand, P.; Marguet, E.; Forterre, P. (2013). Hyperthermophilic archaea produce membrane vesicles that can transfer DNA. Environmental Microbiology Reports 5(1): 109-116.
    Etourneau, J.; Collins, L.G.; Willmott, V.; Barbara, L.; Leventer, A.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Bianchini, A.; Klein, V.; Crosta, X.; Massé, G. (2013). Holocene climate variations in the western Antarctic Peninsula: evidence for sea ice extent predominantly controlled by changes in insolation and ENSO variability. Clim. Past 9(4): 1431-1446.
    Borin, S.; Mapelli, F.; Rolli, E.; Song, B.; Tobias, G.; Schmid, M.C.; De Lange, G.J.; Reichart, G.J.; Jetten, M.; Daffonchio, D.; Schmid, M.C.; Schouten, S. (2013). Anammox bacterial populations in deep marine hypersaline gradiënt systems. Extremophiles 17(2): 289-299.
    Blyth, A.J.; Schouten, S. (2013). Calibrating the glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether temperature signalin speleothems. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 109: 312-328.
    Frieling, J.; Gebhardt, H.; Huber, M.; Adekeye, O.A.; Akande, S.O.; Reichart, G.-J.; Middelburg, J.J.; Schouten, S.; Sluijs, A. (2017). Extreme warmth and heat-stressed plankton in the tropics during the Paleocene-EoceneThermal Maximum. Science Advances, 3. NIOZ: [s.l.]. e1600891 pp.
    Reysenbach, A.-L.; Liu, Y.T.; Lindgren, A.N.; Wagner, I.D.; Sislak, C.D.; Mets, A.; Schouten, S. (2013). Mesoaciditoga lauensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a moderately thermoacidophilic member of the order Thermotogales from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 63: 4724-4729 .
    van der Meer, M.T.J.; Benthien, A.; Bijma, J.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2013). Alkenone distribution impacts the hydrogen isotopic composition of the C37:2 and C37:3 alkan-2-ones in Emiliania huxleyi. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 111: 162-166.
    Schouten, S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Rosell-Melé, A.; Pearson, A.; Adam, P.; Bauersachs, T.; Bard, E.; Bernasconi, S.M.; Bianchi, T.S.; Brocks, J.J.; Carlson, L.T.; Castañeda, I.S.; Derenne, S.; Dogrul Selver, A.; Dutta, K.; Eglinton, T.I.; Fosse, C.; Galy, V.; Grice, K.; Hinrichs, K.U.; Huang, Y.S.; Huguet, A.; Huguet, C.; Hurley, S.; Ingalls, A.; Jia, G.; Keely, B.J.; Knappy, C.; Kondo, M.; Krishnan, S.; Lincoln, S.; Lipp, J.S.; Mangelsdorf, K.; Martínez-Garcia, A.; Ménot, G.; Mets, A.; Mollenhauer, G.; Ohkouchi, N.; Ossebaar, J.; Pagani, M.; Pancost, R.D.; Pearson, E.J.; Peterse, F.; Reichart, G.J.; Schaeffer, P.; Schmitt, G.; Schwark, L.; Shah, S.R.; Smith, R.W.; Smittenberg, R.H.; Summons, R.E.; Takano, Y.; Talbot, H.M.; Taylor, K.W.R.; Tarozo, R.; Uchida, M.; van Dongen, B.E.; Van Mooy, B.A.S.; Wang, J.; Warren, C.; Weijers, J.W.H.; Werne, J.P.; Woltering, M.; Xie, S.; Yamamoto, M.; Jang, H.; Zhang, C.L.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, M.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2013). An interlaboratory study of TEX86 and BIT analysis of sediments, extracts, and standard mixtures. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 14(12): 5263–5285.
    Schouten, S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2013). The organic geochemistry of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids: A review. Org. Geochem. 54: 19-61.
    Schouten, S.; Villareal, T.A.; Hopmans, E.C.; Mets, A.; Swanson, K.M.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2013). Endosymbiotic heterocystous cyanobacteria synthesize different heterocyst glycolipids than free-living heterocystous cyanobacteria. Phytochemistry 85: 115-121.
    Lopes dos Santos, R.A.; De Deckker, P.; Hopmans, E.C.; Magee, J.W.; Mets, A.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2013). Abrupt vegetation change after the Late Quaternary megafaunal extinction in southeastern Australia. Nature Geoscience 6(8): 627-631.
    Hopmans, E.C.; dos Santos, R.A.L.; Mets, A.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2013). A novel method for the rapid analysis of levoglucosan in soils and sediments. Org. Geochem. 58: 86-88.
    Hamilton-Brehm, S.D.; Gibson, R.A.; Green, S.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Shields, J.P.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Elkins, J.G. (2013). Thermodesulfobacterium geofontis sp nov., a hyperthermophilic, sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from Obsidian Pool, Yellowstone National Park. Extremophiles 17(2): 251-263.
    Gibson, R.A.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Reysenbach, A.-L.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2013). Comparison of intact polar lipid with microbial community composition of vent deposits of the Rainbow and Lucky Strike hydrothermal fields. Geobiol. 11(1): 72-85.
    Ferrer, C.; Fodran, P.; Barroso, S.; Gibson, R.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S.; Minnaard, A.J. (2013). Asymmetric synthesis of cyclo-archaeol and ß-glucosyl cyclo-archaeol. Org. Biomol. Chem. 11(15): 2482-2492.
    Bauersachs, T.; Miller, S.R.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2013). Distribution of long chain heterocyst glycolipids in cultures of the thermophilic cyanobacterium Mastigocladus laminosus and a hot spring microbial mat. Org. Geochem. 56: 19-24.
    Bijl, P.K.; Bendle, J.A.P.; Bohaty, S.M.; Pross, J.; Schouten, S.; Tauxe, L.; Stickley, C.E.; McKay, R.M.; Röhl, U.; Olney, M.; Sluijs, A.; Escutia, C.; Brinkhuis, H.; Expedition 318 Scientists (2013). Eocene cooling linked to early flow across the Tasmanian Gateway. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110(24): 9645-9650.
    Bale, N.J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2013). Different seasonality of pelagic and benthic Thaumarchaeota in the North Sea. Biogeosciences 10: 7195–7206.
    Lengger, S.K.; Kraaij, M.; Tjallingii, R.; Baas, M.; Stuut, J.-B.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2013). Differential degradation of intact polar and core glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids upon post-depositional oxidation. Org. Geochem. 65: 83-93.
  • 2012
    Woltering, M.; Werne, J.P.; Kish, J.L.; Hicks, R.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2012). Vertical and temporal variability in concentration and distribution of thaumarchaeotal tetraether lipids in Lake Superior and the implications for the application of the TEX86 temperature proxy. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 87: 136-153.
    Sauder, L.A.; Peterse, F.; Schouten, S.; Neufeld, J.D. (2012). Low-ammonia niche of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in rotating biological contactors of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Environ. Microbiol. 14(9): 2589-2600.
    Richoz, S.; van de Schootbrugge, B.; Pross, J.; Püttmann, W.; Quan, T.M.; Lindström, S.; Heunisch, C.; Fiebig, J.; Maquil, R.; Schouten, S.; Hauzenberger, C.A.; Wignall, P.B. (2012). Hydrogen sulphide poisoning of shallow seas following the end-Triassic extinction. Nature Geoscience 5(9): 662-667.
    Mutterlose, J.; Malkoc, M.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2012). Reconstruction of vertical temperature gradients in past oceans - Proxy data from the Hauterivian-early Barremian (Early Cretaceous) of the Boreal Realm. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 363: 135-143.
    McKay, R.; Naish, T.; Carter, L.; Riesselman, C.; Dunbar, R.; Sjunneskog, C.; Winter, D.; Sangiorgi, F.; Warren, C.; Pagani, M.; Schouten, S.; Willmott, V.; Levy, R.; DeConto , R.M.; Powell, R.D. (2012). Antarctic and Southern Ocean influences on Late Pliocene global cooling. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109(17): 6423-6428.
    Lopes dos Santos, R.A.; Wilkins, D.; De Deckker, P.; Schouten, S. (2012). Late Quaternary productivity changes from offshore Southeastern Australia: A biomarker approach. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 363: 48-56.
    Kim, J.H.; Crosta, X.; Willmott, V.; Renssen, H.; Bonnin, J.; Helmke, P.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2012). Holocene subsurface temperature variability in the eastern Antarctic continental margin. Geophys. Res. Lett. 39.
    Jenkyns, H.C.; Schouten-Huibers, L.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2012). Warm Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous high-latitude sea-surface temperatures from the Southern Ocean. Clim. Past 8(1): 215-226.
    Harada, N.; Sato, M.; Seki, O.; Timmermann, A.; Moossen, H.; Bendle, J.; Nakamura, Y.; Kimoto, K.; Okazaki, Y.; Nagashima, K.; Gorbarenko, S.A.; Ijiri, A.; Nakatsuka, T.; Menviel, L.; Chikamoto, M.O.; Abe-Ouchi, A.; Schouten, S. (2012). Sea surface temperature changes in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent North Pacific during the last glacial maximum and deglaciation. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 61-64: 93-105.
    Handley, L.; O'Halloran, A.; Pearson, P.N.; Hawkins, E.; Nicholas, C.J.; Schouten, S.; McMillan, I.K.; Pancost, R.D. (2012). Changes in the hydrological cycle in tropical East Africa during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 329: 10-21.
    Berke, M.A.; Johnson, T.C.; Werne, J.P.; Grice, K.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2012). Molecular records of climate variability and vegetation response since the Late Pleistocene in the Lake Victoria basin, East Africa. Quat. Sci. Rev. 55: 59-74.
    Berke, M.A.; Johnson, T.C.; Werne, J.P.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2012). A mid-Holocene thermal maximum at the end of the African Humid Period. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 351: 95-104.
    Garcia Costas, A.M.; Tsukatani, Y.; Rijpstra, W.I.C.; Schouten, S.; Welander, P.V.; Summons, R.E.; Bryant, D.A. (2012). Identification of the Bacteriochlorophylls, Carotenoids, Quinones, Lipids, and Hopanoids of "Candidatus Chloracidobacterium thermophilum". J. Bacteriol. 194(5): 1158-1168.
    Rampen, S.W.; Willmott, V.; Kim, J.H.; Uliana, E.; Mollenhauer, G.; Schefuss, E.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2012). Long chain 1,13-and 1,15-diols as a potential proxy for palaeotemperature reconstruction. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 84: 204-216.
    Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Ossebaar, J.; Schouten, S.; Verschuren, D. (2012). Distribution of tetraether lipids in the 25-ka sedimentary record of Lake Challa: extracting reliable TEX86 and MBT/CBT palaeotemperatures from an equatorial African lake. Quat. Sci. Rev. 50: 43-54.
    Flores, G.E.; Hunter, R.C.; Liu, Y.T.; Mets, A.; Schouten, S.; Reysenbach, A.L. (2012). Hippea jasoniae sp. nov. and Hippea alviniae sp. nov., thermoacidophilic members of the class Deltaproteobacteria isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal vent deposits. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 62: 1252-1258.
    Peterse, F.; van der Meer, J.; Schouten, S.; Weijers, J.W.H.; Fierer, N.; Jackson, R.B.; Kim, J.H.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2012). Revised calibration of the MBT-CBT paleotemperature proxy based on branched tetraether membrane lipids in surface soils. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 96: 215-229.
    Tierney, J.E.; Schouten, S.; Pitcher, A.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2012). Core and intact polar glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in Sand Pond, Warwick, Rhode Island (USA): Insights into the origin of lacustrine GDGTs. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 77: 561-581.
    Seki, O.; Schmidt, D.N.; Schouten, S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Pancost, R.D. (2012). Paleoceanographic changes in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific over the last 10 Myr. Paleoceanography 27.
    Sáenz, J.P.; Hopmans, E.C.; Rogers, D.; Henderson, P.B.; Charette, M.A.; Schouten, S.; Casciotti, K.L.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Eglinton, T.I. (2012). Distribution of anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in a subterranean estuary. Mar. Chem. 136: 7-13.
    Rush, D.; Hopmans, E.C.; Wakeham, S.G.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2012). Occurrence and distribution of ladderane oxidation products in different oceanic regimes. Biogeosciences 9(7): 2407-2418.
    Rush, D.; Wakeham, S.G.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2012). Biomarker evidence for anammox in the oxygen minimum zone of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific. Org. Geochem. 53: 80-87.
    Niemann, H.; Stadnitskaia, A.; Wirth, S.B.; Gilli, A.; Anselmetti, F.S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.S.; Schouten, S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Lehmann, M.F. (2012). Bacterial GDGTs in Holocene sediments and catchment soils of a high Alpine lake: application of the MBT/CBT-paleothermometer. Clim. Past 8(3): 889-906.
    Lengger, S.K.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2012). Comparison of extraction and work up techniques for analysis of core and intact polar tetraether lipids from sedimentary environments. Org. Geochem. 47: 34-40.
    Lengger, S.K.; Hopmans, E.C.; Reichart, G.J.; Nierop, K.G.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2012). Intact polar and core glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether lipids in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone. Part II: Selective preservation and degradation in sediments and consequences for the TEX86. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 98: 244-258.
    Brandsma, J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Philippart, C.J.M.; Veldhuis, M.J.W.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.S. (2012). Low temporal variation in the intact polar lipid composition of North Sea coastal marine water reveals limited chemotaxonomic value. Biogeosciences 9(3): 1073-1084.
    Brandsma, J.; Hopmans, E.C.; Brussaard, C.P.D.; Witte, H.J.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2012). Spatial distribution of intact polar lipids in North Sea surface waters: Relationship with environmental conditions and microbial community composition. Limnol. Oceanogr. 57(4): 959-973.
    Wade, B.S.; Houben, A.J.P.; Quaijtaal, W.; Schouten, S.; Rosenthal, Y.; Miller, K.G.; Katz, M.E.; Wright, J.D.; Brinkhuis, H. (2012). Multiproxy record of abrupt sea-surface cooling across the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the Gulf of Mexico. Geology (Boulder Colo.) 40(2): 159-162.
    Pross, J.; Contreras, L.; Bijl, P.K.; Greenwood, D.R.; Bohaty, S.M.; Schouten, S.; Bendle, J.A.; Röhl, U.; Tauxe, L.; Raine, J.I.; Huck, C.E.; van de Flierdt, T.; Jamieson, S.S.R.; Stickley, C.E.; van de Schootbrugge, B.; Escutia, C.; Escutia, C.; Brinkhuis, H. (2012). Persistent near-tropical warmth on the Antarctic continent during the early Eocene epoch. Nature (Lond.) 488(7409): 73-77.
    Fallet, U.; Castañeda, I.S; Henry-Edwards, A; Richter, T.O.; Boer, W.; Schouten, S.; Brummer, G.J. (2012). Sedimentation and burial of organic and inorganic temperature proxies in the Mozambique Channel, SW Indian Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 59: 37-53.
    Schouten, S.; Pitcher, A.; Hopmans, E.C.; Villanueva, L.; van Bleijswijk, J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2012). Intact polar and core glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether lipids in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone: I. Selective preservation and degradation in the water column and consequences for the TEX86. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 98: 228-243.
  • 2011
    Woltering, M.; Johnson, T.C.; Werne, J.P.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). Late Pleistocene temperature history of Southeast Africa: A TEX86 temperature record from Lake Malawi. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 303(1-4): 93-102.
    Weijers, J.W.H.; Bernhardt, B.; Peterse, F.; Werne, J.P.; Dungait, J.A.J.; Schouten, S.; Sinninge Damsté, J.S. (2011). Absence of seasonal patterns in MBT-CBT indices in mid-latitude soils. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75(11): 3179-3190.
    Sluijs, A.; Bijl, P.K.; Schouten, S.; Röhl, U.; Reichart, G.-J.; Brinkhuis, H. (2011). Southern Ocean warming, sea level and hydrological change during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum. Clim. Past 7(1): 47-61.
    Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Verschuren, D.; Ossebaar, J.; Blokker, J.; van Houten, R.; Plessen, B.; Schouten, S. (2011). A 25,000-year record of climate-induced changes in lowland vegetation of eastern equatorial Africa revealed by the stable carbon-isotopic composition of fossil plant leaf waxes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 302(1-2): 236-246.
    Schoon, P.L.; Sluijs, A.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2011). Stable carbon isotope patterns of marine biomarker lipids in the Arctic Ocean during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2. Paleoceanography 26.
    Pitcher, A.; Wuchter, C.; Siedenberg, K.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). Crenarchaeol tracks winter blooms of ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota in the coastal North Sea. Limnol. Oceanogr. 56(6): 2308-2318.
    Peterse, F.; Prins, M.A.; Beets, C.J.; Troelstra, S.R.; Zheng, H.B.; Gu, Z.Y.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). Decoupled warming and monsoon precipitation in East Asia over the last deglaciation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 301(1-2): 256-264.
    Huguet, C.; Martrat, B.; Grimalt, J.O.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2011). Coherent millennial-scale patterns in U37k' and TEX86H temperature records during the penultimate interglacial-to-glacial cycle in the western Mediterranean. Paleoceanography 26.
    Fawcett, P.J.; Werne, J.P.; Anderson, R.S.; Heikoop, J.M.; Brown, E.T.; Berke, M.A.; Smith, S.J.; Goff, F.; Donohoo-Hurley, L.; Cisneros-Dozal, L.M.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Huang, Y.S.; Toney, J.; Fessenden, J.; WoldeGabriel, G.; Atudorei, V.; Geissman, J.W.; Allen, C.D. (2011). Extended megadroughts in the southwestern United States during Pleistocene interglacials. Nature (Lond.) 470(7335): 518-521.
    Castañeda, I.S; Schouten, S. (2011). A review of molecular organic proxies for examining modern and ancient lacustrine environments. Quat. Sci. Rev. 30(21-22): 2851-2891.
    Caley, T.; Kim, J.H.; Malaize, B.; Giraudeau, J.; Laepple, T.; Caillon, N.; Charlier, K.; Rebaubier, H.; Rossignol, L.; Castañeda, I.S; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). High-latitude obliquity as a dominant forcing in the Agulhas current system. Clim. Past 7(4): 1285-1296.
    Hu, B.L.; Rush, D.; van der Biezen, E.; Zheng, P.; van Mullekom, M.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Smolders, A.J.P.; Jetten, M.S.M.; Kartal, B. (2011). New Anaerobic, Ammonium-Oxidizing Community Enriched from Peat Soil. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77(3): 966-971.
    Rampen, S.W.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). Occurrence of long chain 1,14-diols in Apedinella radians. Org. Geochem. 42(5): 572-574.
    Trommer, G.; Siccha, M.; Rohling, E.J.; Grant, K.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Schouten, S.; Baranowski, U.; Kucera, M. (2011). Sensitivity of Red Sea circulation to sea level and insolation forcing during the last interglacial. Clim. Past 7(3): 941-955.
    Weijers, J.W.H.; Steinmann, P.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). Bacterial tetraether membrane lipids in peat and coal: Testing the MBT-CBT temperature proxy for climate reconstruction. Org. Geochem. 42(5): 477-486.
    Rush, D.; Jaeschke, A.; Hopmans, E.C.; Geenevasen, J.A.J.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). Short chain ladderanes: Oxic biodegradation products of anammox lipids. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75(6): 1662-1671.
    Powers, L.A.; Johnson, T.C.; Werne, J.P.; Castañeda, I.S.; Hopmans, E.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Schouten, S. (2011). Organic geochemical records of environmental variability in Lake Malawi during the last 700 years, Part I: The TEX86 temperature record. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 303(1-4): 133-139.
    Pitcher, A.; Villanueva, L.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Reichart, G.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). Niche segregation of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and anammox bacteria in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone. ISME J. 5(12): 1896-1904.
    Pitcher, A.; Hopmans, E.C.; Mosier, A.C.; Park, S.J.; Rhee, S.K.; Francis, C.A.; Schouten, S. (2011). Core and Intact Polar Glycerol Dibiphytanyl Glycerol Tetraether Lipids of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Enriched from Marine and Estuarine Sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77(10): 3468-3477.
    Peterse, F.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Rijpstra, W.I.C.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). Identification and distribution of intact polar branched tetraether lipids in peat and soil. Org. Geochem. 42(9): 1007-1015.
    Brandsma, J.; van de Vossenberg, J.; Risgaard-Petersen, N.; Schmid, M.C.; Engstrom, P.; Eurenius, K.; Hulth, S.; Jaeschke, A.; Abbas, B.; Hopmans, E.C.; Strous, M.; Schouten, S.; Jetten, M.S.M.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). A multi-proxy study of anaerobic ammonium oxidation in marine sediments of the Gullmar Fjord, Sweden. Environmental Microbiology Reports 3(3): 360-366.
    Bauersachs, T.; Compaoré, J.; Severin, I.; Hopmans, E.C.; Schouten, S.; Stal, L.J.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). Diazotrophic microbial community of coastal microbial mats of the southern North Sea. Geobiol. 9(4): 349-359.
    Fallet, U.; Ullgren, J.E; Castañeda, I.S.; van Aken, H.M.; Schouten, S.; Ridderinkhof, H.; Brummer, G.J.A. (2011). Contrasting variability in foraminiferal and organic paleotemperature proxies in sedimenting particles of the Mozambique Channel (SW Indian Ocean). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75(20): 5834-5848.
    Kim, J.-H.; Peterse, F.; Willmott, V.; Klitgaard Kristensen, D.; Baas, M.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2011). Large ancient organic matter contributions to Arctic marine sediments (Svalbard). Limnol. Oceanogr. 56(4): 1463-1474.

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