Tuesday 18 May 2021
Grazing by herbivores contributes to coastal protection
Grazing by cows and small herbivores like hare and geese can help reduce the erosion of vulnerable coastal salt marshes and therefore contribute to nature-based coastal defense. This conclusion was published in a peer-reviewed paper by ecological…
Wednesday 12 May 2021
Save our oceans to protect our health - scientists call for global action plan
Scientists have proposed the first steps towards a united global plan to save our oceans, for the sake of human health. [Dutch version below English]
Monday 10 May 2021
Rooted tree key to understanding bacterial evolution
The findings of a new study, published in the journal Science last week, demonstrate how integrating vertical descent and horizontal gene transfer can be used to infer the root of the bacterial tree and the nature of the last bacterial common…
Friday 30 April 2021
Trawl fishing leads to decreased nutrient cycling in sediments
Bottom trawling leads to lower nutrient levels and loss of invertebrate life in the upper sediment layer, and thus to a poorer seafloor. These are the conclusions from a model study of Royal NIOZ postdoctoral researcher Emil De Borger and colleagues.…
Thursday 29 April 2021
NIOZ Annual Report 2020
NIOZ director Henk Brinkhuis: "Its Springtime, 2021... and the NIOZ Annual Report 2020 is now online. So.. what about 2020? Well.. for starters, unfortunately COVID-19 still rules the waves... Learning to live and cope with Corona has become both a…
Monday 12 April 2021
Thick sea-ice warms Greenland fjords
Greenland is famous for its ice sheet. This massive ice volume ‘drains’ into Greenland’s fjords as slow-moving rivers of ice - glaciers. Understanding the factors that control how fast glaciers move, break-up and deposit chunks of ice (icebergs) into…
Tuesday 06 April 2021
Assessing the Impacts of Nodule Mining on the Deep-Sea Environment
Scientists of the JPI Oceans project “MiningImpact” are embarking on a 6-week expedition to the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific. Their goal is to carry out independent scientific monitoring of the test of a pre-prototype nodule…
Sunday 04 April 2021
NIOZ research on deep sea ecosystems and human impacts
The ecosystems of the deep sea are unique and very vulnerable. At the NIOZ, we have been investigating these ecosystems and man-made impacts on the functioning of these ecosystems for decades.
Thursday 01 April 2021
Whales dive deep for profitable prey
'Reconstruction of deep-sea squid communities reveals profitable hunting zones for extreme-diving whales.'
An international research team has investigated why dolphins and whales perform record-breaking dives to several kilometres deep. For the…
Friday 26 March 2021
Making realistic waves in low-cost mesocosms
A seawater flume mesocosm was developed and built at the NIOZ and transported to Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Sweden. Tjeerd Bouma: "Great example of fruitful collaboration between excellent NIOZ-technicians and scientists…