Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Monday 07 August 2023
Fieldwork on red knots in Alaska, summer 2023
This blog is about NIOZ field work in Alaska during the summer of 2023, where we studied the impact of rapid Arctic climate change on the migratory red knot (Calidris canutus). Earlier work on the so-called ‘AfroSiberian red knot’ (C. canutus…
Monday 23 May 2022
Red Knot Alaska Expedition 2022
Finally, after no less than three postponed summer expeditions, our team sets off to western Alaska to investigate the effects of rapid Arctic climate change on the long-distance migratory red knot. The team is headed by prof. Jan van Gils and…
Wednesday 01 December 2021
A tight knot between exploratory personality, foraging tactics and diet
There is a place on earth where life not only revolves around day and night but also around the tidal cycle. Intertidal mudflats are dynamic and fascinating places that are completely submerged for part of the day and exposed during others. For the…
Tuesday 06 April 2021
How to adjust travel plans in a changing world?
From 3 April 2021 till 3 May 2021 a team of NIOZ researchers, led by prof. dr. Jan van Gils, are on expedition in the Banc d'Arguin in Mauritania (West Africa) to investigate migration strategies of the red knot (Calidris canutus canutus) in our…
Monday 23 September 2019
KNOTS | NIOZ Expedition to Siberia
The second expedition to northern Siberia to study Arctic-warming effects on red knots took place in the summer of 2019. Jan van Gils wrote a photo-blog about the experiences of the Dutch-Russian team on this NWO-NPP funded project.
Tuesday 16 October 2018
Waddentrekkers | Wadden Flyways 10
Na twee volle seizoenen met zendergegevens van rosse gruto’s blijft één beeld hangen: dit zijn vogels met haast! De vogels vliegen in één ruk van hun overwinteringsgebieden in West-Afrika naar de Waddenzee, en vervolgens ook in één ruk naar de…
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Waddentrekkers | Wadden Flyways 9
Zo heel af en toe komen er nog signalen van twee gezenderde kanoeten binnen: één vanuit de Banc d’Arguin in Mauritanië en één vanuit steeds hetzelfde plekje in het zuiden van Marokko. Onderzoeksleider Theunis Piersma is nuchter genoeg om te weten wat…
Monday 21 August 2017
Waddentrekkers | Wadden Flyways 8 | Paula is weer thuis
Er gaat niets boven een visuele waarneming. De afgelopen weken heeft de zender van kanoet Paula signalen verstuurd vanuit Canada, Groenland, het noorden van Schotland en de Duitse Waddeneilanden Sylt en Borkum. Uiteindelijk kwamen de signalen deze…
Thursday 03 August 2017
Waddentrekkers | Wadden Flyways 7
De gezenderde kanoet 'Paula' is weer 'gezien', dat wil zeggen de zender heeft weer signalen uitgezonden. Wat is er allemaal gebeurd sinds het laatste contact? | Knot 'Paula' has been 'seen' again, that is her transmitter has transmitted signals .…
Monday 26 June 2017
Waddentrekkers | Waddenflyways 6
Touch-down for bar-tailed godwit '54' - Back to what we know from previous fieldwork
New website for NIOZ

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