Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Studing the diversity, physiology, and activity of eukaryotes, prokaryotes, and viruses from diverse marine systems

We are interested in determining the effects of anthropogenic pressures (plastics, xenobiotics, eutrophication) on microorganisms, their adaptive response to those pressures, and how this impacts marine ecosystems, from the tropics to the poles. In addition, we are also interested in the role of marine microorganisms contributing to and alleviating climate change by the production or the consumption of greenhouse gases.

News related to microbiology work

Dutch Caribbean coral reef research, SEALINK

Bacteria consuming plastics

Virus activity, phytoplankton dynamics and future change

Toxic dinoflagellates in subtropical waters

Research to understand Sargassum inundations in the Caribbean

Illuminating the role of Woeseiales bacteria as sources of N2O in marine sediments

More news from this department
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