Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Mapping the underwater landscape

With Wadden Mosaic we aim to record the variation and biodiversity in the underwater landscape of the Dutch Wadden Sea for the very first time. We also look at potential control measures for the protection and recovery of the subtidal Wadden Sea, the parts which are constantly under water.

General information

A bountiful and healthy Wadden Sea is an indispensable link in the life cycles of many migratory birds and fish. This is why the Wadden Fund and the three Wadden provinces – Groningen, Friesland and Noord-Holland – strive for the creation of such a rich Wadden Sea. To this end, the Wadden Fund granted a large subsidy to the ‘Wadden Mosaic’ project (Waddenmozaïek) by Natuurmonumenten, the University of Groningen and the Royal NIOZ . The aim of the project is to determine the condition of the underwater nature in the Wadden Sea and to test possible remedial measures. 

The project has its own project website where you can follow the progress of the project. A notification of new content on will be posted on this this webpage including a link to the news item.

The Wadden Mosaic project runs until 2022 and is part of the larger Wadden Tools programme. This programme tests measures concerning issues such as fish migration, the restoration of marine ecology and the position of the Wadden Sea as a ‘refuelling station’ and breeding habitat for birds.

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