Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Media & Background

Access to news, videos, special series on wadden species, fieldwork experiences and a selection of our latest publications. If you have questions about any of these topics,  we refer to the Info & Contact page.  If you would like to contact a scientist directly,  please find the contact details in the NIOZ staff list. 

Press Press releases in national and international media on Wadden & Delta research
Videos Fieldwork videos divided per topic, lectures, facilities and equipment
New output Scientific articles, annual reports, papers, dissertations and special editions
Annual report 2020 The nature of some field work is that people can work relatively safely in this pandemic
Fieldwork experiences Fieldwork experiences chronicled in gripping stories by researchers and assistants
Wadden Sea species Learn more about the Wadden Sea species living in or on the mudflat
New website for NIOZ

This year we are going to redesign and technically improve the NIOZ website. We would like to take your opinion as website visitor into account.

By answering 10 questions you can help us enormously! It will take you no longer than 4 minutes. You can win a NIOZ t-shirt and a book voucher to the value of EUR 25 if you fill in the questions.

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