Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Phone number
+31 (0)222 36 9469
General Support (GES)
Education Co-ordinator
  • Contact for students, universities & schools
  • NIOZ education policy
  • Summer schools & courses
  • Internships & graduation projects
  • Institute tours & presentations

Dörte Poszig

Education Co-ordinator

Linked blogs

Wednesday 10 July 2024
Education@NIOZ: Marine Masters Summer Course 2024
From July 7 to 19, the NIOZ Marine Masters Summer Course (MaMa course) will be held at NIOZ Texel. This year, 36 students from 12 universities across Europe will participate, representing diverse programs: Climate Physics, (marine) Biology, Molecular…
Friday 12 July 2019
Education@NIOZ: Marine Masters Summer Course 2019
This July, the NIOZ Marine Masters Summer Course already takes place for the 11th time. More than thirty master & advanced bachelor students from Dutch and international universities dive into the world of multidisciplinary marine research at NIOZ.…
Monday 09 July 2018
Education@NIOZ: Marine Masters Summer Course 2018
This July, the NIOZ Marine Masters Summer Course already takes place for the 10th time. Thirty-one master & advanced bachelor students from Dutch, German, Belgian, Swedish and Austrian universities dive into the world of multidisciplinary marine…
Friday 14 July 2017
Education@NIOZ: Marine Masters Summer Course 2017
During the NIOZ Marine Masters Summer Course, 35 master & advanced bachelor students from Dutch, German, Spanish and French universities explore what marine research at NIOZ is about. With the western Wadden Sea as hands-on research area, the…