Impact of microphytobenthos
Intertidal euphotic sediments experience large and rapid fluctuations driven by tides and variation in light. We will study sediment biogeochemistry under such fluctuating conditions, focusing on the impact of microphytobenthos (MPB). Fieldwork will elucidate the controlling influence of MPB on sediment biogeochemistry in different physical settings (inundation, sediment type). Controlled lab experiments will unravel the impact of fluctuations on sediment biogeochemistry. The datasets will serve to create a new class of sediment models that explicitly couple microbiology and geochemistry. These models will be useful tools to evaluate the microbiological paradigm that 'everything is everywhere, but the environment selects'.
The combination of hardcore modelers and experts in new fancy methods ensures an exellent team for creating a new class of sediment models |
Karline Soetaert, Lubos Polerecky |

Connected themes
- Our Dynamic Coasts
- Ocean of Discovery