Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Thursday 03 February 2022
Pollard willows stop waves
Much is being said about how nature can help to protect us from flooding. Forests, for example, could play a role in dampening the waves that approach a dike. Until now, however, there has been little quantitative evidence of how trees function under…
Friday 28 January 2022
Global experts driving Ocean Decade action on data, information and knowledge management
NIOZ Scientific Data Manager Taco de Bruin, was appointed member of the Ocean Decade Data Coordination Group in December 2021. This group consists of 25 experts from 12 countries, representing various industries, fields and stakeholder groups who…
Thursday 27 January 2022
Unexpected distributions of trace metals in the Mediterranean Sea
Researchers from Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) and New Zealand (University of Otago) have discovered several remarkable facts of the distribution of the trace metals manganese, nickel, cadmium and zinc dissolved in the…
Thursday 13 January 2022
'From Sea to Society' project awarded
Within the KIC call ‘Aquatic food production’, two research projects have been awarded funding. Consortia of researchers, companies and public organisations will carry out research into the production of biomass and protein-rich food in the sea. NIOZ…
Thursday 16 December 2021
NWO Open Competition Domain Science - XS award for research on plastic degrading fungi
NIOZ scientist Annika Vaksmaa received this grant for her research on plastic degrading fungi in mangroves. It is one of 26 groundbreaking research projects launched via the Open Competition Domain Science - XS. This category emphatically strives to…
Thursday 16 December 2021
2 Veni-grants for NIOZ researchers
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth 280,000 euros to 2 highly promising early career NIOZ scientists. The grant provides them with the opportunity to further elaborate their own ideas during a…
Wednesday 08 December 2021
Contruction of RV Wim Wolff looks like a jigsaw puzzle
After a tendering procedure last winter, Thecla Bodewes Shipyards in Harlingen was chosen as the yard to build RV Wim Wolff. They have asked subcontractors Dijkstra Metaalbewerking in Harlingen, KB Alubouw in Makkum and Alubouw Fryslan in Franeker to…
Wednesday 08 December 2021
RV Adriaen Coenen takes on its final shape
The construction of RV Adriaen Coenen at Next Generation Shipyards is proceeding well and according to plan. Now that the upper deck and the wheelhouse have been placed, the ship is taking on its definitive shape. The outside is being finished and on…
Wednesday 08 December 2021
Stranding of puffins in the Netherlands continues
In early December 2021, an unusual stranding of dead and weakened Atlantic Puffins Fratercula arctica started on the Dutch coast. Specimens washed ashore on all Wadden Islands, but also scattered along the mainland coast and in Zeeland. Because this…
Wednesday 08 December 2021
Baleens read like a whale's history book
By chemically analyzing sequential samples from the baleen of dead whales, it is possible to read not only the history of the diet, but also the migration route of the animals. In the latest issue of the journal Royal Society Open Science, NIOZ…