ANEMOI - Towards minimal chemical pollution of offshore wind farms

Potential chemical pollution
The Anemoi project aims to identify relevant pollutants from wind turbines. The project also assesses the effect of microplastics from wind turbines on for instance filter feeders like mussels. “NIOZ researchers are focusing mainly on possible effects on shellfish, and how they might affect the biochemical functions of the North Sea,” says Van der Molen. “Wind turbine foundations contain corrosion protection systems, which could leach metals such as aluminium or zinc into the sea. At NIOZ, we are going to study the effect of paint chips, microplastics and dissolved metals on filter feeders.”
Sustainable solutions
The Anemoi project also investigates sustainable and non-harmful solutions, for instance alternative corrosion protection systems for OWFs. To reach the project goals, Anemoi will work in close collaboration and interaction with the offshore wind farm sector and with policymakers.
International collaboration
Within the Anemoi project, researchers from 11 European institutes will work in close collaboration with policy makers and the OWF industry. The kick-off meeting is planned on 30 and 31 May 2023 in Hamburg, Germany. The project is funded by INTERREG North Sea and additional funding comes from the Provincie West-Vlaanderen (Belgium) and VLAIO (Belgium).
The Anemoi Project
Project website
Project coordinator
Bavo De Witte, ILVO
Project partners
Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO, Belgium); Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS, Belgium); The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ, The Netherlands); Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH, Germany); Sintef Ocean AS (Norway); French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer, France); Provincial Development Agency West-Flanders (POM-WVl, Belgium); Helmholtz Centrum Hereon (Hereon, Germany); University of Technology Braunschweig (TU BS, Germany); University of Antwerp (UAntwerp, Belgium); Technical University of Denmark (DTU, Denmark).