Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Wadden & Delta Centre of Expertise

The Wadden & Delta Centre offers access to managers, scientists and other stakeholders in expertise on a variety of research areas, and offers technical and innovative solutions for coastal protection and coastal restoration. The Centre also provides training opportunities.

Info & Contact Info on the research centre and contact persons for research questions
Media & Background Latest news, publications, fieldwork videos, and special series
Facilities & Technology An overview of facilities, special equipment, research vessels and technology
Coastal protection Access to projects and pilots on coastal protection and ecosystem restoration
Data & Tools Methods to improve understanding of a system, its drivers and feedbacks
Coastal ecology Access -subdivided in themes- to projects, pilots and info on research areas
New website for NIOZ

This year we are going to redesign and technically improve the NIOZ website. We would like to take your opinion as website visitor into account.

By answering 10 questions you can help us enormously! It will take you no longer than 4 minutes. You can win a NIOZ t-shirt and a book voucher to the value of EUR 25 if you fill in the questions.

Thank you for your help!

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