Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Marine CO2 uptake and ocean acidification

The ocean absorbs a quarter of human CO2 emissions each year, significantly reducing our impact on Earth’s climate. The North Sea plays an important role in this CO2 uptake through the ‘continental shelf pump’ mechanism. However, the extra CO2 lowers seawater pH: ocean acidification. This can have negative consequences for a variety of marine species and ecosystems, especially those that form their shells and skeletons from calcium carbonate, from microscopic plankton at the base of the food web up to oysters and coral reefs.

But there is increasing evidence that we do not fully understand the chemical reactions of CO2 in seawater, which means that we cannot accurately calculate the future progression of marine CO2 uptake nor its impacts on marine life.

In this project, you will contribute towards solving this issue by conducting new laboratory measurements of how CO2 interacts with seawater and helping to develop chemical models to better explain the results.

Experiments will be conducted using artificial seawater as well as real seawater from the Dutch North Sea collected in collaboration with Rijkswaterstaat for the national ocean acidification monitoring programme. These data are reported annually as the Netherlands’ contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goal 14, Life Below Water (


We seek a highly motivated Masters student looking for a research project of 6+ months with a strong interest in present-day ocean biogeochemistry and its role in the carbon cycle and Earth’s climate. Laboratory experience would be a plus. Results interpretation will be carried out using Python: previous experience is not essential, but willingness and aptitude to learn are, and training will be provided. Timing is flexible. The student will need to be present on Texel for 1-3 months of laboratory work towards the start of the project, but it is possible to work remotely afterwards.


Please contact Dr Matthew Humphreys (NIOZ Texel; for any questions or further information.