Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

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With theory, complex issues can become simple, comprehensible, concepts. By combining theoretical approaches with knowledge from the field, I hope to get a better understanding of how large, complex systems function.

In my PhD project I study the interaction between cold-water coral reefs and hydrodynamics. How does this interaction shape the reefs and how does it affect reef resilience? Previously I've worked with theoretical approaches on the emergence of spatial patterns in nature due to interactions between organisms and their environment and on how interactions between species affect community functioning, biodiversity, and spatial patterns.

I draw my inspiration from the natural world and I believe it is important, as a theoretical scientist, to constantly refer back to this natural world, in order to do useful research. I thorougly enjoy the close collaborations with field scientists and I hope to keep learning more about our world.

You can watch my video about cold-water corals here.

Or find me on LinkedIn or Twitter!

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