Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Observation form spoonbills with transmitter



Please fill in the fields as much as you can and press the submit button.  When the submit is succesful you wil be redirected to the page 'Where are the spoonbills'.  

Observer information

Observation information

Individual information

If the bird is foraging, it would be really useful to have an estimate of prey intake rate. To do so, please try to record the number of prey that the bird swallows during one minute. You can repeat this as often as you want (the more, the better).

Group information

How many juvenile (1st year), subadult (2nd and 3rd year) and adult spoonbills are in the group? In case it is difficult to distinguish between juveniles (1st year)and subadults (2nd or 3rd year), then try to at least distinguish adults from immatures (as in the second picture (in the instructions pdf or on the website.



All filled in? 

Then press the submit button. You will not receive a confirmation. When successful you will be redirected to the page 'Where are the spoonbills'.

Thanks a lot!!!

Tamar Lok
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

*) fields with an asterisk are mandatory.
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