Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Wednesday 18 October 2023
A Recap of UU-NIOZ Early Career Scientist Symposium 2023: Connecting by the Sea
On Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 October, Zandvoort’s seaside was not only the backdrop of its typical Max Verstappen idolatry, but also of the UU-NIOZ Early Career Scientist Symposium (UNECSS). This event offers ocean scientists from both institutes an…
Thursday 12 October 2023
Deep sea research shows self-organising tiger patterns in cold water coral reefs
For the first time, proof has surfaced that even cold water coral reefs that live in the cold and dark deep sea, grow in self-organised patterns. Such pattern formation is a ’trick’ that enhances the resilience of ecosystems under changing…
Wednesday 11 October 2023
Building Coastal Resilience in Europe
EMB has launched a new publication at the EurOCEAN2023 conference: Position Paper No. 27 ‘Building Coastal Resilience in Europe’ (NIOZ's Tjeerd Bouma is one of the contributing authors)
Monday 09 October 2023
The changing climate creates more noise in the oceans
Due to the changing climate, the underwater world is getting ever noisier. That is the main conclusion of a study that was published today in the scientific journal PeerJ. "In some places, by the end of this century, the sound of ships, for example,…
Monday 02 October 2023
Sustainable protection of rapidly subsiding coastlines with mangroves
Along the Asian coastlines there are many areas where rural communities experience alarming rates of sea level rises due to land subsidence up to 10 cm per year. This causes tremendous challenges on how to live there and protect these coasts. A…
Friday 29 September 2023
3D-printed, biodegradable reef mimics nature
With 3D-printed 'lampshades' made of biologically degradable material, NIOZ PhD-candidate Daniel Varley and colleagues have found a successful formula to give oysters, mussels and other reef builders 'a kick start'. Numerous animals managed to settle…
Thursday 28 September 2023
'Some more variation in nature restoration, please'
Shellfish, worms and other benthic animals that live in the turbulent bottom of the Wadden Sea and Delta, can take quite a beating when it comes to storms. "When restoring tidal nature, for example along the Westerschelde, we should therefore not…
Friday 22 September 2023
Harnessing and moving with natural forces in Zeeland's delta - Landscape plan wins Eo Wijers prize
The regional final of the Eo Wijers Prize Competition 2022-2023 for central Zeeland has been won by a collaboration of Bureau B+B urbanism and landscape architecture, RO&AD Architects and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ). In…
Monday 11 September 2023
'A crab is never just a crab'
A herring in the North Sea, a crab in the Wadden Sea or an anemone fish on a coral reef, ... biologists like to think in terms of individual species that all have their own place within food webs in ecosystems across the world. "But that is surely…
Monday 28 August 2023
Shellfish on the run create unstable mudflats
The expected increase in extreme weather could make the bottom of tidal flats more unstable. That's shown by NIOZ researcher Zhengquan Zhou in the PhD-thesis he will defend at Utrecht University on September 7th. "With the increase in heat waves,…