Monday 02 December 2024
The turbid Dutch coastal waters: latent silt transport to the Wadden Sea
The Dutch coast serves as a key transit zone for suspended sediment—a transit zone for sediment moving from the Strait of Dover to the Wadden Sea. This sediment supports the Wadden Sea ecosystem by creating nutrient-rich soils and maintaining…
Friday 08 November 2024
Marine microbes are our link to 'System Earth'
They produce half of all the oxygen in the oceans and the atmosphere, they eat a lot of greenhouse gases, but under oxygen-free conditions, they also produce methane and other greenhouse gases. In other words, bacteria and other marine microbes are a…
Thursday 07 November 2024
ORC Funding for impacts offshore wind farms North Sea
A consortium of Dutch scientists start a five-year research project on the effects of offshore wind farms on North Sea ecology and economic activities. NWO awarded the NO REGRETS project 6.7 million euros. The program is coordinated by Myron Peck of…
Thursday 31 October 2024
Research Vessel Anna Weber-van Bosse launched, construction halfway through
The RV Anna Weber-van Bosse has been launched in Spain. In a year's time, the new flagship of the Dutch research fleet will be ready for use. Gert-Jan Reichart, responsible for the scientific side of the project, calls on Dutch (marine) scientists to…
Tuesday 29 October 2024
Unlocking Earth's Climate History: Foraminifera and Trace Elements
In her thesis, titled "Novel proxies in Foraminifera: Biomineralization and Trace Elements", PhD candidate Laura Pacho Sampedro focuses on improving methods to reconstruct past environments and climates, an increasingly urgent task as climate change…
Tuesday 29 October 2024
Surprising findings on bacterial growth as a threat to coral reefs
A new study by an international team of researchers from NIOZ and other institutes, led by the University of Bremen suggests that on algae-dominated coral reefs, it is not the algae but the corals themselves that may contribute to the growth of…
Thursday 24 October 2024
Antarctic sea is loaded with unknown viruses
Out of thousands of marine viruses that were discovered in Antarctic waters in the past two years, 75 percent was new to science. That is shown in a paper that was published in Nature Communications on 24 October 2024, by NIOZ PhD candidate Gonçalo…
Thursday 24 October 2024
Vidi grant for studying how whales hunt in deep sea
NIOZ scientist Dr. Fleur Visser has received a prestigious NWO-Vidi grant to study how, when and where toothed whales, large mammalian top predators, hunt in the deep-sea. This Vidi grant enables Fleur Visser and the other 101 laureates to develop an…
Wednesday 23 October 2024
Minder lekkende putten op de Noordzee dan gedacht_North Sea Methane Emissions
Uit minder dan twee procent van de verlaten boorputten in het Nederlandse deel van de Noordzee ontsnapt methaan dat afkomstig is uit ondiepe gasvoorkomens. Tot die conclusie komen onderzoekers van NIOZ en TNO, in samenwerking met het Staatstoezicht…
Monday 21 October 2024
Europe's ocean scientists launch advice for governments_Navigating the Future VI
Leading European Ocean scientists have launched Navigating the Future VI (NFVI), a publication which provides governments, policymakers and funders with robust, independent scientific advice, focusing on the critical role the Ocean plays in the wider…