Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

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Project: Characterize the role of methane-cycling microorganisms in marine and lake systems, combining a biogeochemical and microbial approach.

Part of the Soenghen Institute of Anaerobic Microbiology.

Research interests:

  • Marine & lacustrine biogeochemistry
  • Environmental microbiology
  • Abiotic-biotic interactions


March 2017 - Black Sea cruise 64PE418, R/V Pelagia
Feb 2017 - Fieldwork campaign Lacamas Lake, WA USA, 'mixed winter'
Sept 2016 - Fieldwork campaign Lacamas Lake, WA USA,  'summer stratification'
May 2016 - Baltic Sea cruise 64PE410, R/V Pelagia

ResearchGate Sigrid van Grinsven


Reed, D. C., Deemer, B. R., van Grinsven, S., & Harrison, J. A. Are elusive anaerobic pathways key methane sinks in eutrophic lakes and reservoirs?. Biogeochemistry, 1-11.

Lacamas Lake, WA USA




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