Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Phone number
+31 (0)222 36 9409
  • Stable isotope ecology
  • Compound specific analysis of natural abundance δ15N in amino acids
  • Utilization of dissolved organic nitrogen
  • Processing of microphytobenthos-derived organic matter

Linked news

Monday 11 September 2023
'A crab is never just a crab'
A herring in the North Sea, a crab in the Wadden Sea or an anemone fish on a coral reef, ... biologists like to think in terms of individual species that all have their own place within food webs in ecosystems across the world. "But that is surely…
Tuesday 18 October 2022
Microphytobenthos in the Dutch Wadden Sea feeds on ‘left-overs’ in the bottom
The Wadden Sea is an extremely productive ecosystem whose food web is supported by benthic organisms, feeding on primary producers. In a recent publication in Frontiers of Ecology and Evolution, NIOZ marine biogeochemist dr. Philip Riekenberg and…
Friday 08 July 2022
Researchers unravelled how deep-sea sponge grounds can survive far away from common food sources
Sponge grounds, areas with high densities of deep-sea sponges, are hotspots of biodiversity and biomass in the food deprived deep sea. They are just like oases in the desert. It was unknown how these sponge grounds could survive in this food-limited…
Wednesday 08 December 2021
Baleens read like a whale's history book
By chemically analyzing sequential samples from the baleen of dead whales, it is possible to read not only the history of the diet, but also the migration route of the animals. In the latest issue of the journal Royal Society Open Science, NIOZ…
Friday 20 August 2021
Marine parasites secretly nibble from their hosts
Parasitic copepods that were thought to use their marine hosts as a foothold and to steal food from their intestinal tract, now turn out to use a mixed feeding style to feed on both the host and its food. By applying a novel molecular method to…
Monday 05 July 2021
Dolphin species that live together, do not necessarily compete for food
A new molecular method reveals how different species of toothed whales compete for prey and which food they choose in each other’s company. Marine scientists from NIOZ and the Federal University of Rio Grande, in Brazil, recently published their work…

NIOZ publications