Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

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Research interest:

My main research topics are cold-water coral reefs and deep-sea sponge grounds in the Atlantic Ocean. Questions/issues I am currently studying are for example: quantifying the benthic biogeochemical fluxes of these ecosystems and identifying possible food sources for corals and sponges in the deep-sea. 

In my PhD project, I am interested in the interaction between biological systems and their environment. By combining experimental work, such as measurement of benthic fluxes, ecological-biogeochemical modelling, and environmental data I try to understand how cold-water coral reefs and sponge grounds can thrive in a food-limited environment as the deep-sea and their fate in light of a changing ocean. 

My PhD project is part of the EU Horizon 2020 ATLAS project (

My twitter account: Twitter

Short CV: 

2016 - present: PhD student at NIOZ
2014-2015: Internship at Wageningen Marine Research
2013-2015: MSc Aquaculture and Marine Resources Management at Wageningen University
2008-2012: BSc Environmental Sciences at Wageningen University


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