Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

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The name displayed in the 'E-mail' column should be supplemented with to complete the full E-mail address. The general telephone numbers of NIOZ are NIOZ-Texel: +31 (0…

Smile, you're on camera!

Developing automated image analysis to examine an overlooked link in the North Sea: Zooplankton Project team Connected themes Sunstainable functioning of Coastal and…

New website for NIOZ

This year we are going to redesign and technically improve the NIOZ website. We would like to take your opinion as website visitor into account.

By answering 10 questions you can help us enormously! It will take you no longer than 4 minutes. You can win a NIOZ t-shirt and a book voucher to the value of EUR 25 if you fill in the questions.

Thank you for your help!

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