Thursday 30 April 2020
Large scale scientific infrastructure granted: a crucial contribution to investing in new, innovative equipment for national marine research
Under the leadership of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), a large consortium of national marine research and education institutes has been focusing, over the past few years, on the now necessary replacement of the national…
Wednesday 29 April 2020
New study: These cold water corals in the deep sea adapt to extreme oxygen depletion
Reefs of cold water corals are unique biodiversity hot spots in the deep sea. In order to grow, reef-building species like Lophelia pertusa need specific environmental conditions in terms of temperature, oxygen levels and pH of the water…
Wednesday 08 April 2020
A rapidly changing Arctic: Shelf sediments, freshwater runoff from rivers brings more carbon, nutrients to North Pole
A new study by researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and their international colleagues, among which several NIOZ researchers, found that freshwater runoff from rivers and continental shelf sediments are bringing significant…
Friday 27 March 2020
Derde Natuurwijzer met NIOZ oceanograaf Sjoerd Groeskamp
In de Natuurwijzer van 29 maart op Radio Texel spreekt Sjoerd Groeskamp, geboren Texelaar en oceanograaf bij het NIOZ, met radiomaker en schrijver Mathijs Deen.
Thursday 26 March 2020
Animals keep viruses in the sea in balance
A variety of sea animals can take up virus particles while filtering seawater for oxygen and food. Sponges are particularly efficient. That was written by marine ecologist Jennifer Welsh from NIOZ this week, in a publication in Scientific Reports.…
Wednesday 25 March 2020
Every little bit helps battle the COVID-19 virus; the NIOZ has donated its protective lab materials to the Red Cross
In recent days, NIOZ employees in the laboratories have made an inventory of the stocks of protective materials that can be used in the fight against the Corona virus. Today the following items were sent to the national assembly point of the Red…
Monday 16 March 2020
As of Tuesday 17 March 2020 NIOZ locations are closed due to Corona virus
As of Tuesday 17 March 2020 NIOZ locations are closed due to the measures taken to restrict the spread of Corona virus. All employees will work from their homes and can be reached by email and telephone | Vanwege het Coronavirus zijn de NIOZ-gebouwen…
Tuesday 10 March 2020
NWO ENW Groot award for a HIgh-Resolution approach for ice Shelf instability (HiRISE)
Antarctica is the single largest unknown in the current projections of sea level rise. For a large part, this is due to the uncertainty of how ice shelves will evolve in a changing climate. The HiRISE consortium, which consists of TUDelft, IMAU,…
Monday 09 March 2020
Tweede natuurwijzer met oceanografe Furu Mienis op zondag 15 maart
In de aflevering van Natuurwijzer op zondag 15 maart praat radiomaakster Tessel Blok met marien geoloog Furu Mienis van het NIOZ.
Monday 02 March 2020
UU-NIOZ-Leiden consortium receives Nanoplastics NWO ENW Groot award
A multidisciplinary research team will investigate the origin, structure and fate of nanoplastics in aquatic environments. Prof. dr. Linda Amaral-Zettler from NIOZ/UvA will lead one of the five workpackages for this NWO ENW Groot project with Prof.…